Let’s talk about parasites. Parasites are shocking. Some of them are large enough to be seen without magnification as they crawl across eyeballs, wriggle under the skin or exit from various orifices of the body. But parasites are fascinating and diverse creatures which live in association with a host, such as a human, and they cause the host harm. Many parasites have complicated life cycles that can involve multiple hosts and different developmental stages of the parasite within each host.

Links mentioned:
Dr. Pritt’s Blog, Creepy, Dreadful, Wonderful Parasites: https://parasitewonders.blogspot.com/

Dr. Couturier’s Paper, Detection of Intestinal Protozoa in Trichrome-Stained Stool Specimens by Use of a Deep Convolutional Neural Network, https://jcm.asm.org/content/58/6/e02053-19