Joining in on this episode is my dad yet again and long time friend and hunting buddy Bob Johnson. Bob is another one of those hunters that has put in a life time of hunting and a trophy room full of memories. I went into this episode thinking I was going to to hear a bunch of stories from a couple of old hunters, but Bob took the discussion a different direction and would circle back to his concerns for the future of hunting. Listen in to the perspective of a life long hunter reflecting on his experiences and how he sees the world of hunting is today. I follow up with my take away from the conversation. There is a call to action to all the listeners to read the DNR Wolf Management Plan and complete the DNR survey. The hunting community is a small one compared to the general public so we must make sure our voice is heard. 

To read the wolf management plan and take the survey follow the link below:,4570,7-350-79135_79218_79619-32569--,00.html