
In this episode I will share a reflection on what I gleaned from my word, 'All' last year. I will also look ahead to what I am already learning and hope to learn from my 2022 word, 'pure'. It's a powerful thing to focus on one word for the year and I encourage you to take your own journey as we all seek clarity in the very real mess.

Listen in if you:

also have a word for the year and want some encouragementdon't have a word for the year, but want to know more about ithave had unexpected things happen which have required all of your trustwant encouragement to live 'pure' before God this year

I am so thankful for you dear listener and friend! May God guide you deeply in 2022 and beyond! And too, we cry together 'Maranatha' - 'Come quickly Lord Jesus.'

Your fellow messy-life journeyer and friend,

Abigail (Abby)