In This Episode, You Will Learn:

How Carol turned her knowledge and experience as a corporate recruiter into her own business.

Ways to prepare for a career pivot!

The most common challenges in the first year of being a full time career coach.


Resources + Links:


Check out Carol’s book:

The Smart Chicks Guide for Career Happiness by Carol Maloney Scott


The Smart Chicks Career Club Facebook Group


Connect with Carol on Instagram | @careerhappinessmap

LinkedIn |


Tune in to Carol’s Podcast Smart Chicks Career Chat & Find more services on Carol’s Website

Connect with Sharon on Instagram | @sharonbondurant_ig

LinkedIn |


Find more resources on our website


Show Notes

Ever fantasize about quitting your day job? We’re so excited to have you joining us for the very  first episode of How to Pivot! In this episode, today’s guest isn’t only sharing her experience of quitting her corporate job to pursue a career she felt called to, she’s sharing how she’s helped so many others do the same through her career coaching program! Carol Maloney-Scott is an expert recruiter, turned author, entrepreneur, and podcast host all around helping people use their skills to start their own businesses. We dive into what it is a career coach does, and the things she’s glad she did (or wishes she knew) when she took the leap from her corporate job to building her business full time!


04:15 Meet HR and talent acquisition expert turned entrepreneur, Carol Maloney-Scott.

07:40 What motivated you to take the leap and quit your day job for your business?

11:30 The first steps Carol took when transitioning to her business full time.

16:30 How does your Career Coaching Program help people start their own business?

20:40 Who is your Career Coaching program best for?

23:15 What services do Career Coaches offer?

27:30 What are the biggest challenges people face the first year as a career coach?

29:00 How do you measure success when replacing your corporate job?

33:15 What can I do now if I’m preparing for a career pivot?

38:40 How can we connect with you and find more resources?