On May 30-31, King of Kings began offering in-person worship for the first time in 11 weeks. Below is the note shared with the congregation that day, which also happened to be the celebration of the church festival of Pentecost.

Today is a wonderful day, but it is also a very different day. Seventy-seven days ago, we last gathered for in-person worship. Almost one-quarter of the year has passed since we last gathered here as a congregation. Yet things look different. Blue tape blocks off pews, except for those that are numbered. Seats are assigned. Some might be wearing masks. Air hugs are encouraged, while close conversation clumps are not. Even the worship folders look different, but different isn’t always bad.

Today we celebrate a day 2,000 years ago when church suddenly looked very different. In one day, a church numbering a couple dozen souls exploded into a church of more than 3,000 people. What a logistical mess! Church was going to be very different and what that was going to look like had to happen very quickly. Yet for those 3,000 souls and the dozens who were already Christians, that day was wonderful. They were forgiven. They had purpose. They had peace, and they were loved by their heavenly Father. Their lives were different, but the message that changed their lives was the same message God had first preached to Adam and Eve back in the Garden of Eden. That never changed. It’s the same message we preach today, even in a world so different from what it was mere months ago. Yes, today church is different, but wonderful! 

The text for this message can be found here.

Video of this worship service and sermon can be found here.

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