Throughout the history of the Christian church, the story of faithfulness to the Word of God has always been the story of persecution. After all, Jesus has promised it! Who would send defenseless sheep into a world of ravenous wolves? It makes no sense, yet that is precisely the plan that Jesus describes for his Church. It makes no sense—unless you are the Good Shepherd who wants his sheep to utterly depend on him. Our trust in Jesus doesn’t guarantee an absence of persecution, let alone an easier life, but faithfulness to Jesus and his Word in spite of it. We will witness to the Word of God before brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, governors and princes. Jesus promised, “You will be hated by all people because of my name, but whoever endures to the end will be saved.“ What comfort that must have been for Martin Luther, whose faithful witness caused him to be expelled from his order, excommunicated from his church, and outlawed from his empire. Before the kings and princes of Europe, Luther gave faithful witness to the truth of God’s Word at Worms in Germany. Lord, help us to stand firm on your Word!

The Bible reading for this message is Matthew 10:16-23.

Text for this message can be found here.

Video of this worship service and message can be found here.

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