When will you cease using your children as tools of emotional warfare?


It's incredible how many parents completely step over this. You know, life's full of twists and turns, and I've found some pretty eye-opening insights I want to share with you, and if you're unaware of these things, then take heed, especially if you sit inside a divided Kingdom at home right now.


Hard to believe, but only a tiny fraction of people throughout history have escaped the rat race of conflict and struggle. It's a real mess, especially in relationships, and sadly, our kids bear the brunt of it. I say, let's break this cycle. Why do you continue to choose strife? Do you really want to condemn your family to the path your war is setting them on?


Well...this may be tough to read if you're the weaponizer, and if it triggers you then it's striking a chord somewhere, and hopefully, it cuts through the darkness, somewhere deep down inside of you is a kernal of love, choosing to weaponize your kids is choosing to breathe life into war over peace.


Want to hear more, then listen to today's episode, click the link in my bio to be directed to listen on your audio platform of choice.


And for the love of God and his Kingdom...peace be with you today.



 “God’s love is unconditional. Be sure that yours is too!”

— Saint Augustine



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