Today I want to have a personal conversation with you about natural talents, gifts, and abilities. 

When I first embarked on this journey with the people I work with, we started by assessing their strengths. It was fascinating to see how most individuals, including myself, initially react to the results. We often find ourselves nodding in agreement, recognizing the talents that are already familiar to us. It's comforting to have our existing knowledge validated.

It's not uncommon to connect with individuals who share a few common talent areas. And that's great! When we review the results, we focus on the top 10 and bottom 10 talents. It's important to note that we don't invest time in developing talents that fall at the bottom. Why? Because according to strengths-based psychology, dedicating energy to strengthening weaknesses often leads to mediocrity at best.

The goal is to transform our talents into elite strengths—performing at a level that surpasses expectations. Anyone attempting to develop a weakness that happens to be a strength for me would struggle to reach the same level of proficiency. They would burn a lot of energy because executing tasks in our areas of weakness requires immense effort.

So, today, I invite you to reflect on your own strengths. What are you naturally good at? What comes to you almost effortlessly, as if it's second nature? Take some time to consider these areas and how they contribute to your overall fulfillment. Are you currently utilizing your natural talents enough in your life? Do they bring you joy and satisfaction?

If you find that you're not incorporating your natural talents into your life as much as you'd like, it may be time to explore how you can leverage them more. By doing so, you can create a happier and more fulfilling experience in your relationships, career, and personal life.


"Whatever skills I have acquired, whatever I have been given, I place them in your service." - Saint Augustine


Blessings on your path, 

Rev. Benjamin Norman


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