Today I want to talk about something personal and close to my heart: inheriting limiting beliefs from our parents.

First things first, let's talk about my own family background. Unlike some others, I didn't grow up in a broken family. My parents are still happily married, and I didn't witness them arguing or any kind of physical violence. From my father, I inherited something truly valuable: the belief that chivalry is not dead. You know, I recently realized that this message of respect and honor towards women runs deep in our family history.

Watching my dad stand by my mom's side, through thick and thin, taught me so much about what it means to be in a loving and committed relationship. His sense of humor, his dedication, and his expertise in sales all shaped my understanding of how to build strong connections with others. He became my role model, and every relationship I've had in my life has been measured against the gold standard he set.

On the flip side, I've also witnessed many men who come from broken homes or challenging family backgrounds. Some grew up without a father figure or experienced abuse within their families. It breaks my heart to hear these stories. When we're raised in such environments, it's hard not to inherit the models our parents unknowingly pass on to us.

If we haven't put in the work to better ourselves, we might not even realize that we're living by our parents' limiting beliefs. They didn't provide us with an instruction manual on how to navigate relationships or be the best versions of ourselves. We're left to figure it out on our own. And let me tell you, it's not an easy journey.

We need to engage in introspection, analyze our beliefs and experiences, and identify anything that doesn't belong within us. Releasing this trapped energy creates space within us, allowing us to create new beliefs aligned with our true selves as intended by God. However, the real challenge arises when we must rewrite the neural pathways in our brains, which have been conditioned to respond in certain ways to specific situations. Dark forces will try to tempt us back into the same destructive lies, convincing us that we are unworthy, unloved, and not accepted. They will tempt us to prove ourselves right by seeking out situations that reinforce these negative beliefs.

That's why it's crucial for you, after hearing this message, to take stock of your life. Pay attention to the repetitive patterns and situations that keep occurring. It's a sign that God is trying to show you something, and you need to explore it further.


“I will plant my feet on that step where my parents put me as a child until self-evident truth comes to light.”— Saint Augustine


Blessings on your path, 

Rev. Benjamin Norman


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