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Mere Fidelity

417 episodes - English - Latest episode: 13 days ago - ★★★★★ - 300 ratings

From the Mere Orthodoxy Podcast Network: thoughtful weekly conversations about theology, the culture, and the church, hosted by Matthew Lee Anderson, Derek Rishmawy, Alastair Roberts, and Andrew Wilson.

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Mere Fidelity to Mere Orthodoxy

December 26, 2022 19:01 - 3 minutes - 4.92 MB

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End of Year Extravaganza

December 20, 2022 09:00 - 56 minutes - 77.4 MB

At the end of each year, we like to take one episode of Mere Fidelity to give the hosts a chance to talk about their own projects and what has been their intellectual focus of the past year. We are blessed this year to have all four of the regular cast and crew together at once: Matt, Andrew, Alastair, and Derek. So listen in as they… [checks notes]… um… disagree over the first amendment, recite the meaning of every number in the Bible, and prevent one of Derek’s existential justifications fr...

Gratitude, with Dr. Kent Dunnington

November 22, 2022 09:00 - 47 minutes - 64.7 MB

Talk of thankfulness pervades the Scriptures. But how well do we really understand the concept of gratitude. Matt has done some thinking about this recently with a fellow scholar from Biola University, Dr. Kent Dunnington. Along with Alastair, they tackle some tricky questions about gratitude. How should we understand the relationship between the gift and the giver? How important is it to have the emotions of thankfulness? And do you really need to send thank you cards? Full show notes at ww...

Uncommon Unity, with Dr. Richard Lints

November 15, 2022 09:00 - 54 minutes - 74.1 MB

Our times are fragmented. Political and cultural differences rage, even among people who otherwise show goodwill. But what if Scripture actually provides the key for thinking about unity in diversity? Dr. Richard Lints joins Matt and Alastair to explore the nature of diversity as he wrote in his new book, Uncommon Unity. There are no easy answers, but there is a lot of good discussion. Join us! Full show notes at Timestamps: What Kids Want [0:00] What This Book Is [1:23...

The Thrill of Orthodoxy, with Trevin Wax

November 02, 2022 17:43 - 54 minutes - 74.9 MB

Every generation faces the temptation to wander from orthodoxy and to drift with cultural currents. So every generation must be awakened again to the thrill of orthodoxy, and experience the astonishment that comes from stumbling afresh upon the electrifying paradoxes at the heart of the Christian faith. Trevin Wax wants to turn the tables on those who believe Christian teaching is narrow and outdated. In this episode, he joins Matt and Alastair to discuss how he accomplishes this in his new b...

On Earth as in Heaven, with Dr. Peter Leithart

October 27, 2022 04:47 - 57 minutes - 78.6 MB

When one advocates for good practices that are quite old and abandoned, these things that have been forgotten can seem new and radical. Peter Leithart returns to Mere Fidelity to discuss the vision and principles of the Theopolis Institute, especially as written in his new book, On Earth as in Heaven. The book is large but it reads well as a manifesto of how the church and the Bible are related in liturgy. Full show notes at Timestamps: Theopolis Principles [1:44] Bibl...

Martin Luther and the Rule of Faith, with Dr. Todd Hains

October 12, 2022 08:00 - 54 minutes - 74.3 MB

For generations of evangelicals lacking good catechesis, Martin Luther is often seen as a primitive, unsophisticated, or backwards reformer. Into this negative environment, Dr. Todd Hains is bringing forth the richness of Luther’s thought and Lutheranism’s tradition. There is so much more than just justification by faith. Alastair and Matt discuss with Dr. Hains his latest book, and they get at the central question: What does it mean to interpret Scripture with Scripture? Full show notes at w...

Virtuous Persuasion, with Dr. Michael Niebauer

September 27, 2022 08:00 - 52 minutes - 71.9 MB

What counts as doing God’s mission? How do we measure the success of Christian mission? It’s very tempting to turn it into a numbers game, or to rely on our own strategies. But Dr. Michael Niebauer has written the Mere Fidelity Book of the Month about this very topic. Matt and Alastair examine with him this very crucial aspect of our Christian life. Full show notes at

On the Monarchy

September 20, 2022 08:00 - 43 minutes - 59 MB

In light of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the two British and one Canadian member of the Mere Fidelity cast & crew ruminate upon the peculiarities, virtues, weaknesses, generalities, and specificities of the institution of the British monarchy. Full show notes at


September 13, 2022 08:00 - 49 minutes - 68 MB

What are the limits of introspection as a Christian discipline? Is introspection advocated in Scripture? When you listen in silence to the voice inside you, is there a danger in paying attention to it? Alastair, Derek, and Matt take up these questions and more. Full show notes at


September 06, 2022 08:00 - 49 minutes - 67.5 MB

The Bible has some tricky passages. Occasionally here on Mere Fidelity the crew likes to pick one of these up and try to unravel it. On the discussion table today: How do we reconcile clear laws and murky narratives? For instance, it seems that the commandments against lying are absolute, and yet in Exodus 1, God blesses the Hebrew midwives for their deception. Let’s dive in with Matt, Alastair, and Derek. Full show notes at

Internet Anonymity

August 30, 2022 08:00 - 47 minutes - 64.8 MB

Is it licit for Christians to be anonymous on the internet? What role could anonymity play in evangelism? Should you tell your pastor about your secret accounts? And is Twitter the only problem? Andrew, Alastair, and Matt (n.b., not anonymous) discuss. Full show notes at

The Name of the Lord

August 16, 2022 08:00 - 50 minutes - 45.7 MB

What exactly does it mean for God to “vindicate,” “sanctify,” or “glorify” His name? Derek has been giving this question a lot of systematic theology thought. Alastair and Matt join him in this intellectual workout, starting with the Lord’s Prayer and proceeding through Athanasius, Aquinas, honor culture, and our own times. Full show notes at

The Religion of American Greatness, with Dr. Paul Miller

August 02, 2022 08:00 - 54 minutes - 74.8 MB

In a perfect, though not fully intentional, follow-up to the conversation in the previous episode about Conservative Nationalism, Dr. Paul Miller joins Matt and Alastair to discuss his critique of Christian Nationalism as laid out in his new book The Religion of American Greatness. The big question: What is the Biblical model of the relation between church and state? The next question: Are Baptists part of the problem or solution? Full show notes at

Conservatism, with Dr. Yoram Hazony

July 20, 2022 02:44 - 1 hour - 58.2 MB

What hath Enlightenment Liberalism wrought? According to Dr. Yoram Hazony, chairman of the Edmund Burke Foundation, it has led us to the place we are today where Neo-Marxism is ascendant and we cannot conceive a higher good than consent. What’s the alternative? National Conservatism. Listen to this lively conversation with Derek, Alastair, Matt, and Dr. Hazony. Full show notes at

Biblical Reasoning, with Drs. Bobby Jamieson & Tyler Wittman

July 12, 2022 08:00 - 49 minutes - 45.2 MB

There’s been a divorce between the disciplines of Biblical Studies and Systematic Theology. Representing both of those disciplines, Dr. Bobby Jamieson and Dr. Tyler Wittman authored a book that bridges the divide and shows explores how the principles of each enriches the understanding of the other. Full show notes at

‘Jesus and the God of Classical Theism,’ with Dr. Steve Duby

July 05, 2022 08:00 - 54 minutes - 49.4 MB

Does the philosophical knowledge of God known as Classical Theism enrich our reading of Scripture? Or does it get in the way? Derek and Alastair have a conversation with Dr. Steve Duby about the retrieval of Classical Theism and its interaction with good Christology. Full show notes at

Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit

June 28, 2022 08:00 - 50 minutes - 46.2 MB

What has six thumbs and doesn’t understand that passage where Jesus says blasphemy against the Holy Spirit won’t be forgiven? The hosts of this podcast, that’s who. Let’s talk about it. Full show notes at

Alternatives to Winsomeness? with James Wood

June 21, 2022 08:00 - 54 minutes - 50 MB

When James Wood wrote about the drawbacks of certain strategies for Christians to transcend the political divide without compromising evangelism, he didn’t expect it to spark such a contentious discourse. Never afraid of controversy, Matt, Derek, and Alastair dive into the conversation with him, seeking to understand the best way to deal with political disagreements as Christians. NOTE: Because of the nature of the conversation, this episode mentions our good friend Tim Keller quite frequent...

Dobbs v Jackson, with Susannah Black

May 10, 2022 08:00 - 51 minutes - 47.4 MB

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, what comes next? Alastair, Matt, and Derek discuss the recent Supreme Court leak with a very special Mere Fi listener, Susannah Black. Susannah is a senior editor at Plough Magazine. Full show notes at

The Dobbs Opinion, with Susannah Black

May 10, 2022 08:00 - 51 minutes - 47.4 MB

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, what comes next? Alastair, Matt, and Derek discuss the recent Supreme Court leak with a very special Mere Fi listener, Susannah Black. Susannah is a senior editor at Plough Magazine. Full show notes at

The Doctrine of Assurance, with J. Todd Billings

May 03, 2022 08:00 - 56 minutes - 51.7 MB

Friendly disagreements are one of the best things about Mere Fidelity. In a previous episode, the guys were unable to come to a mutual understanding of the nature of apostasy and assurance. So they asked Reformed theologian Dr. J. Todd Billings to return for his fourth appearance on Mere Fi. Can he straighten things out? Can you *know* that you are saved? Full show notes at

The Doctrine of Scripture, with Dr. Brad East

April 26, 2022 08:00 - 52 minutes - 47.8 MB

What is the Bible? What is it for? Does the Bible create the Church or vice versa? As God’s people, how can we receive it for what it is? Dr. Brad East tackles these questions in his book The Doctrine of Scripture. While Derek and Alastair might not see eye to eye with him on Sola Scriptura or which theological monsters they are comfortable hiding under the bed, the spirited disagreement leads to some very healthy places. Big questions, loving argument, fun times. Plus, you get to hear behind...

‘The Life We’re Looking For,’ with Andy Crouch

April 19, 2022 08:00 - 54 minutes - 50 MB

Andy Crouch brings a much-needed Christian perspective to understanding how humans relate to technology in his new book, The Life We’re Looking For. Do you know the connection between our basic need for recognition and our dependence on screens? What can we do to make our world more humanized? And when will we be able to achieve it? Derek, Alastair, and Matt discuss these questions and more with Andy in this high energy conversation. Full show notes at

‘Abraham’s Silence,’ with Dr. J. Richard Middleton

April 12, 2022 08:00 - 42 minutes - 38.9 MB

Dr. J. Richard Middleton has a unique interpretation of Genesis 22, Abraham's (near-)sacrifice of Isaac, which departs — radically, some might say — from both traditional Christian and Jewish readings of this foundational Old Testament story. And if he's right, it has significant implications for how we do ministry. Matt, Alastair, and Derek leave no stone unturned in this conversation. Full show notes at

Beyond Racial Division, with Dr. George Yancey

March 31, 2022 08:00 - 47 minutes - 43.1 MB

Can progress be made on the problem of racial division? Dr. George Yancey, professor of sociology at Baylor University (and thus a colleague of Matt’s), proposes a third way to the controversial solutions of either Colorblindness or Antiracism in his book, Beyond Racial Division. In his conversation with Alastair, Derek, and Matt, Dr. Yancey shows that there is hope for moving beyond racism, using methods that build deep, lasting roots. They also explore how local churches can engage in the s...

Why Don’t People Preach the Rape Texts? with Jen Pollock Michel

March 28, 2022 17:45 - 50 minutes - 46.2 MB

There are several passages in the Bible that deal with scenarios of sexual violence. What is the best way to preach these texts, without traumatizing or retrauatizing the congregation? Mere Fidelity listener, Jen Pollock Michel, brought this question up, and the cast & crew decided to bring her directly into the conversation. Full show notes at

On Preaching the Rape Texts, with Jen Pollock Michel

March 28, 2022 17:45 - 50 minutes - 46.2 MB

Jen Pollock Michel, writer and Mere Fidelity listener, sent in an important and challenging question by email: There are several passages in the Bible that deal with scenarios of sexual violence. What is the best way to preach these texts, without traumatizing or triggering the congregation? We decided to not only address this question on the show but bring her directly on as a guest to talk about it. Full show notes at

Merrie Q&A

March 11, 2022 04:30 - 1 hour - 77.7 MB

Mere Fidelity is surrounded by a Merrie Band of enthusiastic patrons who contribute financially to this podcast. Sometimes they gather to ask questions of our fearless leaders. It’s one of the perks. If you ever find yourself shouting in your car or talking to your headphones while listening to Mere Fidelity, consider joining the Merrie Band at Then you can send your thoughts to Matt, Derek, Alastair, and Andrew directly… and even get an answer. Full show notes ...

Saving Evangelicalism, with Tim Keller

March 01, 2022 09:00 - 1 hour - 72.9 MB

A recent New York Times essay by David Brooks, "The Dissenters Trying to Save Evangelicalism From Itself," kicked up quite a stir. Possibly missed in the brouhaha was an unusually detailed plan of action for saving evangelicalism, provided by none other than legendary Mere Fidelity guest (and honorary host) Tim Keller. So we invited him back on to talk about it — all of it: the Christian Mind project, the "second-generation" problem, the notion of "diagonalizing," and much, much more. Full sh...

‘What Are Christians For?’ with Jake Meador

February 22, 2022 09:00 - 54 minutes - 49.7 MB

For many 21st century Christians in the West it seems that the world is unraveling. There are two questions we must ask: Is this time different than other times? and How can Christians offer hope to a world coming apart? These are the questions that Matt, Alastair, and Derek seek answers for with Jake Meador while discussing Jake’s new book, What Are Christians For? Life Together at the End of the World. Full show notes at

The Psalms, with Dr. James Hamilton

February 17, 2022 03:09 - 48 minutes - 44.5 MB

Reading the Psalms individually as we often do, you can miss how they all fit together. Dr. James Hamilton’s new two-volume commentary brings to life the wonder of how intricately the Psalms are linked literarily and structurally. Derek, Alastair, and Matt explore with Dr. Hamilton what the big patterns are, what the superscriptions indicate, and what David was perhaps thinking when he was writing about Christ. Full show notes at

‘You’re Only Human,’ with Kelly Kapic

February 03, 2022 03:33 - 46 minutes - 42.6 MB

We humans have a complicated relationship with our limits. We constantly push them; expand them; try to circumvent them. But limits are inherent to Creation. Why would God, who could have made the world in an instant, use a process instead? And what does this mean for our own process of sanctification, which we often want to be instantaneous? Matt, Derek, and Alastair jump into these questions with Dr. Kelly Kapic, the author of You're Only Human: How Your Limits Reflect God's Design and Why ...

How Many People Are Saved?

January 25, 2022 09:00 - 46 minutes - 42.3 MB

A conundrum has been bothering Andrew: If you say that few people are saved, that raises certain theological problems, but if you say that many people are saved, that raises other theological problems. But this is what Mere Fidelity is for: tackling the tough questions that others avoid. Matt doesn’t think this is the right question to be asking, but you’ll be interested to hear where he ends up. And Derek coins a unique word. s Full show notes at

‘A Hermeneutic of Wisdom,’ with Dr. J. de Waal Dryden

January 19, 2022 02:48 - 42 minutes - 39.2 MB

The modern mindset instinctively views everything, even texts, as objects to be pulled apart and understood rationally. When we do this to the Bible, we can inadvertently end up bifurcating Biblical studies from ethics. But that’s not what the Bible is doing. When you read the Bible and let it change you, you discover that all of it is Wisdom Literature. That’s what Mere Fidelity guest Dr. Jeff Dryden claims in his book, A Hermeneutic of Wisdom. Matt and Derek love where he goes with it on th...

‘For Shame,’ with Dr. Gregg TenElshof

January 05, 2022 02:42 - 47 minutes - 43.3 MB

You may get the impression that shame is always a bad thing. That’s not exactly right. Dr. Gregg TenElshof, author of the book For Shame: Rediscovering the Virtues of a Maligned Emotion, discusses the nuances of bad shame and good shame with the Mere Fidelity crew. When should we feel shame? For what should we feel shame? How does the body and appearance relate to shame? Listen in! (The +1 on this one is particularly good.) Full show notes at


December 22, 2021 05:57 - 57 minutes - 52.3 MB

On Mere Fidelity it’s not just the guests that are experts. All four of our hosts have projects of their own that will be of great interest to our listeners. Three of our hosts (alas, Derek is not on this episode) open up about what has been taking up their intellectual space this past year: from 1776 to Dante to YouTube to Gossip and more. Full show notes at

‘The Deep Places,’ with Ross Douthat

December 14, 2021 09:00 - 55 minutes - 50.5 MB

New York Times columnist Ross Douthat returns to Mere Fidelity to discuss his harrowing experience with Lyme disease as told in his new book, The Deep Places: A Memoir of Illness & Discovery. Alastair and Matt take the conversation in some interesting directions that you’ll probably only find on Mere Fidelity, like how the sociological experience of chronic illness compares with the psychology of witness in the Christian community. That, and more, in this episode. Full show notes at www.mere...

The Last Things

December 03, 2021 04:27 - 40 minutes - 37.2 MB

The church year begins with Advent. But Advent begins by looking forward to the Second Coming of Christ. Why would we start with the end? The doctrine of the Last Things sheds some light on this tradition. Matt, Derek, and Alastair examine Advent and the Last Things by taking a close look at Charles Wesley’s classic Advent hymn, “Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending.” Full show notes at

‘You Are Not Your Own,’ with Dr. Alan Noble

November 16, 2021 09:00 - 50 minutes - 46.1 MB

What is our only comfort in life and in death? It’s that we do not belong to ourselves, but that we belong body and soul to Jesus Christ. Alan Noble thinks that if we will embrace this teaching, the church will be able to weather modernity. How exactly does that play out in our daily lives? That’s what he talks about with Matt, Derek, Alastair, and Andrew(!) on this episode. Full show notes at

‘Five Things Theologians Wish Biblical Scholars Knew,’ with Rev. Hans Boersma

November 09, 2021 09:00 - 52 minutes - 47.6 MB

What’s gone wrong in Biblical theology? We’ve turned the Bible into an object to master, instead of letting it master us. Rev. Hans Boersma’s new book, Five Things Theologians Wish Biblical Scholars Knew, opens this conversation up very well, reminding us the job of the Biblical scholar is not primarily historical. Matt and Derek talk with Rev. Boersma, and things get a little spicy when the topic of Sola Scriptura comes up. Full show notes at

Evangelical Elites

October 26, 2021 08:00 - 49 minutes - 45.3 MB

A conversation has erupted in Evangelical circles about elites and their willingness to accommodate worldly powers. But who counts as elite? Which worldly powers are they cozying up to? The answers can change depending on who’s doing the accusing. Alastair, Matt, and Derek take up the conversation to pick apart confusing threads and lower the temperature of the argument. Will they succeed or end up disagreeing with each other? Full show notes at

‘Funerals,’ with Dr. Tim Perry

October 20, 2021 02:10 - 44 minutes - 40.4 MB

Death is an uncomfortable subject for many people. That makes funerals difficult at the least, and even worse, confusing and traumatic. How does the Christian understanding of death influence the way we do funerals? Dr. Tim Perry, author of Funerals: For the Care of Souls, published by Lexham Press, joins Matt and Derek to liven your understanding of what it means for a Christian to die. Practical considerations are covered as well, like cremation vs. burial, whether to eulogize, and which pa...

‘The Trinity and the Bible,’ with Scott Swain

October 07, 2021 03:11 - 43 minutes - 39.6 MB

Dr. Scott Swain is the President of Reformed Theological Seminary, and he is the author of The Trinity & the Bible: On Theological Interpretation published by Lexham Press. In this conversation with Derek, Matt, and Alastair, Dr. Swain helps ask and answer some big questions about the Doctrine of the Trinity: How do we find it in the Bible? Is it just imported Greek categories? Why do we use the terms Father, Son, and Spirit? How do you pronounce ‘prosopological’? And what use is the Doctrine...

Exvangelical Deconstruction

September 28, 2021 08:00 - 55 minutes - 50.4 MB

What’s the difference between someone “deconstructing” their faith and plain, old apostasy? Are Exvangelicals really leaving Christianity? Andrew, Alastair, and Matt discuss the new trend of Evangelicals prominently deconstructing their faith and what it means for the church and the doctrine of assurance. Full show notes at

‘Jordan Peterson, God, & Christianity,’ with Dr. Christopher Kaczor

September 23, 2021 05:18 - 51 minutes - 47.2 MB

The Jordan Peterson phenomenon is worth looking into. Even Aquinas scholar Dr. Christopher Kaczor is writing about the effect that Jordan Peterson is having. Matt and Alastair join the discussion, bringing a particular emphasis to how Peterson reads Scripture and what Christians can learn from his approach. Full show notes at

‘A Spacious Life,’ with Dr. Ashley Hales

September 14, 2021 08:00 - 45 minutes - 41.7 MB

With the ideas like technology, progress, and liberty shaping our lives, we are formed to believe that reality is tending toward an ever greater number of choices and ever fewer limits. But is this limitless ideal a good way to live? Dr. Ashley Hales has a different idea, which she explores in her new book, A Spacious Life: Trading Hustle and Hurry for the Goodness of Limits. She returns to Mere Fidelity to discuss about how limits can actually increase our liberty and what this looks like fo...

Bad Church Leadership

September 07, 2021 08:00 - 54 minutes - 50.1 MB

Many Christians and ex-Christians have experienced severe trauma because of bad, even abusive, church leadership. Using the story of Mark Driscoll as a basis for comparison, Matt, Andrew, and Alastair discuss the causes and outcomes of bad leadership. They compare and contrast the US and UK churches, look at the sociology of trust, and ask how to examine one’s own leadership to avoid becoming abusive. Full show notes at

‘Wonderfully Made,’ with Dr. John Kleinig

August 31, 2021 08:00 - 48 minutes - 44.4 MB

Dr. John Kleinig joins Matt and Alastair to discuss a Biblical approach to a theology of the body. More specifically, they talk about how we can acquire the vision with which God sees our bodies. Some questions that they cover are how ritual trains the body, what the significance of the body is in Protestant theology, and why Jesus’s physical body is so emphasized in the Gospels. Dr. Kleinig’s latest book also focuses on these issues. (There’s also a particularly spectacular +1 that you can h...

Healing the Schism, with Dr. Jennifer Rosner

August 24, 2021 03:01 - 44 minutes - 40.6 MB

You may think that Christianity and Judaism have gone their separate ways; that they have nothing to do with each other. But this is not necessarily the case. On this episode, Dr. Jennifer Rosner, author of Healing the Schism: Karl Barth, Franz Rosenzweig, and the New Jewish-Christian Encounter, joins Matt and Alastair to talk about how Christianity and Judaism should relate to one another. Full show notes at


Ashley Hales
3 Episodes
Andy Crouch
1 Episode
James Hamilton
1 Episode
Jemar Tisby
1 Episode
Justin Taylor
1 Episode
Tim Keller
1 Episode
Tucker Carlson
1 Episode


The Common Good
1 Episode

Twitter Mentions

@timkellernyc 1 Episode