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On today’s episode, Mercatus scholar Matthew Mitchell and Mercatus Distinguished Adjunct Fellow, Bruce Yandle, discuss the recent hot button topics flooding the current news headlines and their influence heading into the 2020 presidential election.

What will be the economic impacts of the trade wars and Trump's tariffs? Who's really losing when it comes to paying for these tariffs? What do the Trump impeachment proceedings mean for the economy? Matt and Bruce sit down to discuss these questions and much more.

And to end their conversation on a lighter note, Matt and Bruce also share stories about Bruce's grandson Adam Smith and discuss some books they hope to see in their stockings this holiday season.

Check out Bruce Yandle's December 2019 Economic Situation Report here and to learn more about the latest research at Mercatus, please visit The Bridge.

Want to get in touch with one of our scholars featured on the Download? Email Kate De Lanoy at [email protected]