We're back to bring you a special episode on CDA Section 230 or, as one of our guests put it “the 26 words that created the Internet."

This law paved the way for the explosion of Facebook, YouTube, and numerous other internet companies by protecting them from being held liable for what users say and do on their platforms. This also allowed each platform the freedom to develop its own content moderation standards.

But, as these platforms have grown larger and central to public discourse, some are worried that section 230 gives tech companies far too much influence in who can say what.

So, is 230 due for a reform? And if so, how?

To unpack this topic further, Mercatus Scholar Brian Knight hosts today's episode. 

In addition, we're joined by Jennifer Huddleston, Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center, whose research involves tech policy and law, Jeff Kosseff, Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity Law at the United States Naval Academy, Cyber Science Department, and the author of The 26 Words That Created The Internet, and finally, Adam Candeub, a professor of law and the Director of the Intellectual Property, Information, and Communications Law program at Michigan State University.

Want to get in touch with one of our scholars featured on the Download? Email Kate De Lanoy at [email protected]

Today's What's on Tap beverage is Rhinegeist Brewery's Bubbles Rose' Ale from Cincinnati, Ohio.