Welcome to MentorZ! Today we have on Dov Baron

Dov is the leading expert on Developing Authentic Leadership; authentic leadership can be defined as a leadership style that focused heavily on honesty, trustworthiness, empathy, and vulnerability. He is the founder of Full Monty Leadership and The Authentic Speaker Academy for Leadership. He has the global number 1 podcast for fortune 500 leaders, which is titled “Dov Baron’s Leadership and Loyalty Tips for Executives.” He has been cited as one of the Top 100 Leadership Speakers to hire, 100 Motivational Speakers and named as one of the Top 30 Global Leadership Guru’s.

This episode will work a little differently from others, We have decided to split up this one amazing conversation into three different segments, one posted each day after another

I am so excited to share this interview with everyone! Dov provides excellent wisdom and told fantastic stories about his life experiences. There is something everyone can take away from these episodes

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Facebook: www.facebook.com/DovBaronLeadership
Twitter: twitter.com/TheDovBaron
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/dovbaron

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