Hardship can be the tipping point that leads to revolutionary breakthroughs. After many years in various sales and marketing positions, Marcus found himself out of work. As he dredged through the rigorous hiring process with tedious recruitment hoops to jump through, lengthy job board postings and too many applications lost in the system to even count, he knew something had to change. His vision was born from his own experience in the very daunting interim of the job search.

Marcus realized his resume had no personality. No voice. No emotion. All his life, Marcus was known for his vivacious personality and charismatic nature, in his business and his personal relationships. But none of these crucial qualities were being shown, much less helping his efforts to be hired. All the time spent on applications and resumes was falling flat because he was being reduced to a piece of paper stating facts, instead of the lively, engaging, successful salesman he was.

This experience is not unique to Marcus. At MyResumeSpeaks, Inc. we come to work every day with the goal of building a platform that will give both our partners (applicants and employers) the tools needed to bring resumes to life. We strategically focus on remedying the gaping holes in today’s employment process. From the colorless stack of applications to the lack of feedback on how applicants can succeed, we hone in on which parts of the process work and which ones are system failures. Today we provide the most engaging data platform available, including providing video analytics to help candidates adjust their approach in certain areas.

Our vision at MyResumeSpeaks is to break the cycle and bring your resume to life.