Hi there, welcome to my page! My name is Argustic Dunbar! I can't wait to take you guys on the journey with me from part-time to full-time entrepreneur! My background is in IT & Computer Technology. After graduating from a 4 year university near the top of my class and then being told me my first corporate manager that "if you're here for money, you're in the WRONG place..." I quickly realized that I had to find another way to produce income. The only problem was I had a HUGE fear of leaving my comfortable corporate salary that I had grown use to. I was looking for a PART TIME opportunity to be my own boss! This is what I refer to as a hybrid-entrepreneur. This lead me on my journey to becoming a life insurance agent with PHP Agency. On this page I will be discussing topics that I am passionate about: * Entrepreneurship * Leadership * Sales * Personal development * Anime * Sports * Politics (newb in this area) * Public Speaking * Personal finance * Minorities in leadership I want you to get to know me and hopefully inspire you to chase your dreams and create a life worth living. You only get one!