
Host: Kole Witty, co-host of the Psychedelic Coach Podcast

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Key Points:

The Condor Coach certification program has been using the Condor Approach Workbook as a tool for coaching for the past two years

The Workbook helps individuals understand the unique language their body speaks and develop the skill of coaching themselves

Understanding what your body is trying to tell you is key to understanding safety, setting boundaries, and creating a life that you love

Integration after psychedelic experiences is essential for lasting results and necessary changes in one's life

The Condor Approach Workbook is a daily workbook that takes only 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night

The Workbook includes daily reflections, end-of-week reflections, and end-of-month reflections

The Workbook is not about teachings or lessons but about getting to know oneself, reflecting on one's choices and dreams, and taking radical self-responsibility

The Condor Approach Workbook includes lessons on body mapping, constructs that impact the body, and how beliefs act through the body

The Workbook is a valuable tool for coaches to use with their clients and provides evidence of what works and what doesn't

The Workbook comes with a free course that teaches deeper about body mapping and the Condor Approach methodology


Kole Witty introduces the Condor Approach Workbook as a tool for transformation and integration. The Workbook has been used by the Condor Coach certification program for the past two years, and it has been found to be a valuable tool for coaches and individuals. The Workbook helps individuals understand the unique language their body speaks, which is key to understanding safety, setting boundaries, and creating a life that you love. Integration after psychedelic experiences is essential for lasting results and necessary changes in one's life. The Workbook takes only 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night, and it includes daily reflections, end-of-week reflections, and end-of-month reflections. The Workbook is not about teachings or lessons but about getting to know oneself, reflecting on one's choices and dreams, and taking radical self-responsibility. The Workbook includes lessons on body mapping, constructs that impact the body, and how beliefs act through the body. The Workbook is a valuable tool for coaches to use with their clients and provides evidence of what works and what doesn't. The Workbook comes with a free course that teaches deeper about body mapping and the Condor Approach methodology.

Call to Action:

Kole Witty invites listeners to pre-order the Condor Approach Workbook on Amazon and recommends getting four copies to do with friends. She encourages listeners to try the Workbook for 30 days and see how it can change their lives. She also invites listeners to reach out to if they have any questions or want to find a Condor Coach.

Additional Resources:

The free version of the Condor Approach Workbook can be found at

The Condor Approach Workbook can be pre-ordered on Amazon and ships on May 16th.

The Condor Approach Integration Workbook

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