

Today, we're talking about something that I know a lot of coaches struggle with: raising their prices. And let me tell you, I get it. But, there's one thing you need to do before you can even think about asking for more bread!

Section 1: Why Many Coaches Don't Succeed

Explanation of why many people in this field fail to grow in impact, contribution, and income Explanation of the reasons why coaches, facilitators, or other professionals are not necessarily able to step in full-time or charge more.

Section 2: Lack of Credibility

Explanation of how lack of credibility can hinder success in the field Discussion on why having evidence of results is important for building credibility

Section 3: Proving Effectiveness

Explanation of how proving effectiveness is important for success in the field Discussion on how proving effectiveness is more challenging for professionals who use psychedelics as a tool in their work

Section 4: Mind-Based Culture

Explanation of how a mind-based culture can make it difficult for professionals to connect with their clients Discussion on how feeding the "hungry dog" of the conscious mind can help professionals connect with their clients more effectively

Section 5: Creating a Safe Container

Explanation of how creating a safe container for clients can increase their willingness to be open and honest Discussion on how having some things set up ahead of time can help clients feel more secure

Section 6: Lack of Confidence

Explanation of how a lack of confidence can hinder success in the field Discussion on how a lack of referrals and feedback can lead to fear and reluctance to raise rates or fully step into purpose as a coach or facilitator


Final thoughts on navigating the challenges of being a coach, facilitator, or professional in the field Encouragement to focus on building credibility, proving effectiveness, and creating a safe container to increase success and confidence.