In this episode Tah goes into the second part of The Condor Approach... our 4-part integration coaching framework:


INtention is the process of being purposeful in exploring what a person is looking to:

Know Do Be Understand Experience

..within or from their transformational experience. 

INtention is what one intends to do, bring out, address, bring about or explore. An objective and aim, an action plan of intending a plan, a forethought of action.

It is a topic of debate when it comes to psychedelic exploration.

AND... as Tah discusses in this epidode... even if you intend NOT to have an intention, that is STILL an intention.

Tah dives into the importance of the intention of the participant and the guide being integrated for the most effective results.

The importance of doing this kind of work on the front end is extremely valuable.

We train all our coaches to use an integrated INtention process on the front end using the information attained in the INtake (Part 1).

This way, the information that comes up is known by both sides of the interaction; by the coach and the person being coached.

Our process is not only beneficial, it is a crucial part of integrating ANY transformational experience; psychedelic or otherise.

Make sure and listen to Part 1 of this series

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And remember

Integration Is Not Optional

We love you.

Thank you.

Be Free!

You've been introduced to the world of psychedelics and plant medicine - but you're left wondering, “Okay, now what?” Become a Psychedelic-Informed Practitioner Because integration is NOT optional.

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