Mental Healthcare Today | Dr. Katharine Phillips - Professor at Weill Cornell Medical College, Part 2 - BDD Tools and Testing. 

 Dr. Phillips talks about the different tools and testing that is done for body dysmorphic disorder.

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Empowering a new view of mental health and wellness.

Our innovative software solutions help you better identify, treat and monitor behavioral health conditions, featuring the world’s most trusted assessment – the M.I.N.I.



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- Screeners

- Assessments

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What We Do

Our solutions enable people to more accurately and quickly identify varied conditions, and over time monitor those with behavioral health disorders.

Who We Are

We are a team of doctors, scientists, authors, technologists, parents, families, survivors – passionately focused on mental illness and how it’s perceived, assessed, diagnosed, and treated. We are activists, advocates, business leaders, and disruptors who are determined to alter a status quo that is failing by any statistical measure. We are realists who know change is difficult, and also dreamers who understand change is necessary. We categorically refuse to go quietly into that good night, and we are hopeful for meaningful dialogue and change. We are committed to doing better, being better, driving big changes in the perceptions of and treatments for mental health. We are nView.

How We Are Different

Accepted by both the FDA and World Health Organization, nView empowers healthcare professionals, educators, and researchers with software solutions that more accurately and efficiently identify, diagnose, treat and monitor these individuals who need behavioral health assistance. We uniquely do this through our evidence-based solutions that have been referenced or validated in 10,000+ clinical trials and used by physicians all over the globe for the past 25+ years. 

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