Latoya Shea is a spiritual life coach dedicated to helping people live more fulfilling lives.

Being on her own after being homeless at the age of 13, Latoya has experienced and triumphed over many obstacles. Inspired by the many that have influenced her life, she has lived a life dedicated to service and education. 

This has led her on a deep spiritual journey and intimacy with God. She has been known by many titles such as health inspector, veteran, nurse, Anesthetist, prophet, and teacher until she finally accepted her calling as God's vessel to do good and guide many back to Him as a Spiritual Life Coach.

Five Ways That Forgiveness Can Heal Your Heart and Mind:

Holding a grudge against someone or even yourself can have a profound negative impact on your mental health and even cause you to feel out of alignment spiritually. To forgive is to cancel the debit you've held onto within. It may not be easy but, it can have a positive impact on all aspects of your life.

Wartime To Peacetime

When there is an unresolved issue within you or between you and others, you're in a perpetual mindset of war. You may find yourself less trustworthy and more impatient than you can remember. Forgiveness allows you to once again experience the world from a peaceful point of view. Your perceptions in all areas of life can improve because of it.

Spiritual Alignment

Many religions and spiritual customs preach the virtue of forgiveness. In some faiths, forgiveness is a crucial part of attaining bliss in this life as well as the afterlife. When a person is able to take this step, they may feel like they are once again in the flow of life and moving towards their highest greater good.

Healing Begins

Being able to forgive yourself can be one of the hardest things to do. An unresolved matter of the mind or heart is an open wound that will never heal on its own. The moment you give this concern your undivided attention and make peace with it, you can finally start to recover from it.

Increased Strength

Mahatma Gandhi once said "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." As you come to terms with longstanding matters within yourself or others, expect to see a growth spurt in your mental and spiritual fortitude. 

More Happy Days

When a boulder that has occupied your heart and soul is finally removed, you can anticipate happier days to come. You'll suddenly have "extra" energy and time that you fill with new friends and positive experiences.

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