We love it when a woman on a mission makes such an impact and that is an understatement when that woman is Rebekah Brown.

Turned away by her GP because she was ‘too young’ to have symptoms of menopause, Rebekah she found herself trawling the aisles of the local health food store, staring at a vast range of products and ingredients she knew nothing about – faced with imagery that certainly didn’t represent her or her friends.

Curiosity cut through the brain fog. And applying her creative, research investigator mind, Rebekah looked further into the bio-chemical changes the female body goes through in menopause and what vitamins we all need at each stage, regardless of symptoms.

Armed with insight, Rebekah took things into her own hands and MPowder was born.

She is now on a mission to reframe midlife and deliver the community, services and co-created product range to help women everywhere. With the rallying cry to help women make menopause their superpower.

To contact Rebekah and find out more about MPowder

WEBSITE: www.mpowder.store

INSTAGRAM: @mpowderstore

Keep in touch by following us Instagram and Facebook - @Menopoised and you can follow Nikki on Linkedin @NikkiGatenby.

Produced and Edited by Alex Graham