This week Sarah and Julia read chapter 5 of "What Would Virginia Woolf Do?" (Affiliate link) by Nina Lorez Collins. And if you haven’t listened to our interview with her we recorded 2 weeks ago, go check that out – she is amazing!

Chapter 5 is entitled Beauty, and it's all about what we see when we look in the mirror - and what we choose to do about it!

Sarah and Julia would both describe themselves as Minimalists when it comes to their Beauty Regimens, in fact, they might even scoff at calling what they do a "regimen". But Nina talks about doing quite a bit more for herself, including having used Botox for years.

The chapter has a great list of all the treatments one could use to try turning back the clock on an aging face, like Fraxal lasers, Fillers, and microdermabrasion. Sarah has tried a handful of them, Julia not so many.

Neither Sarah & Julia have any interest in getting a Facelift, but they would both prefer to not have age spots on the face or hands. In fact, they both agree that the hands are a dead giveaway, even if the face looks good. (Cruel, maybe, but accurate.)

The author makes a great point in the chapter about how much our appearance matters to us, even if we aren't willing to go the whole nine yards. We all have a line we won't cross, that we wouldn't go out without, and we fully accept that reality.

On the other hand Sarah & Julia make the point that a woman who exudes confidence, attitude, and has something to say is a very attractive person, whether or not she conforms to conventional standards of Beauty.