This week Sarah and Julia read chapter 4 of "What Would Virginia Woolf Do?" by Nina Lorez Collins. And if you haven’t listened to our interview with her we recorded last week, go check that out – she is amazing!

Chapter 4 is all about being a parent during menopause or perimenopause, possibly as an empty-nester, semi-empty-nester or with a young child (or children) at home still.

We will again point out what a great writer Nina Lorez Collins is, and how much we love this book. Sarah found many things she could relate to, having a kid in college and one in High School, compared to Nina’s kids ages.

Sarah has two teenagers, one away in College, and can relate to so many of the things the author talks about, like how weird it is to confront your child’s sexuality, or to go days without hearing from them, and not know about so many things that happen in their lives – as opposed to the way we knew EVERYTHING about their lives when they were babies.

Julia’s of course in a different boat, with a 7-year-old at home, and there are other stories like hers in the chapter.

We compare the way we parent with the way our Mothers’ generation did – such a different set of standards and societal rules!

And as with all the episodes in Season 4, we have live-streamed it on Facebook as well. Take a listen!