We launched Season 4 in a whole new way: going Live on Facebook as well as recording the podcast - at the same time! (We had some technical difficulties - but when has that stopped us? And we think we've worked them out for next time...)

This Season we're reading "What Would Virginia Woolf Do?" by Nina Lorez Collins, and we're already loving it - and her! The book can be purchased via our Amazon affiliate link - and if you do, we'll get paid a small commission, so thanks!!

In the Introduction, Ms. Collins lets us know why she wrote the book - and started the amazing Facebook group of the same name (which you should totally check out). She was heading into perimenopause and - of course - she couldn't find anyone to talk to or information out there. (We KNOW the feeling!) And right away we felt we could totally relate to her. We are loving this book - and her!

Chapter 1 is about Fashion, which is something we've been thinking about a lot lately. Ms. Collins writes about what so many of us have experienced - navigating what to wear that's appropriate for our age, but that doesn't make you feel invisible, or god forbid, dowdy.

Sarah wishes she could wear heels, but she's so darn lousy at it, and Julia's happy to wear boots and kitten heels. Sarah's also been struggling to figure out just what to wear - something that makes her feel confident and that looks professional - and fits her personality. She would be very happy wearing jeans and a t-shirt all the time if she felt she looked good in that. Oy.

Julia feels comfort is key, and thinks it may stem from growing up in Hawaii with muumuus. We both agree wearing muumuus is something we should do more of.

Ms. Collins wraps up the chapter with 2 Terrific lists - Ten Things I Hope Never to Wear and Ten Staples I Hope Will Take Me a Long Way. They are both instructive and cautionary - and they bode well for more great chapters to come. Pick up your copy and join us!