Good menopause to you! We recorded this episode during the holidays, so we chat about all the hullabaloo that comes with that time of year. Gifts, shipping, cleaning the house for guests, etc. So many things to do!! Julia was reminded that it really is the thought that counts when giving a gift. But Sarah bemoans all the carbs she’s been eating at holiday parties. Ugh!

Bible Study - Menopause Confidential by Dr. Tara Allmen - Chapter 19 - “The Top Five Studies That Rocked Women’s Health” We love this book and we want to meet her! We really feel every 40-year old woman should read this book (and the others we’ve read) and hopefully OURS that we plan to write - because there is a lack of information out there about menopause, women need more information about it, and we want to help them get it. Chapter recap: serious amount of science here! The Dr. talks about all these 5 major studies of women’s health - and how we have all heard only bits and bobs about them, never the whole thing. Dr. talks about the different types of studies and how they work and what they can mean. Observational studies do not give you cause and effect, but can offer interesting indications. Randomized Control Trial - the other type of study - and known as the gold standard of scientific info. The Nurse’s study - highlights include vitamin D and calcium are good, plus Kale for the win! Sarah and Julia do love their kale! (Please read the chapter for all the actual details of the rest of the studies.) The Pepi Study, the SWAN study (which studied non-white women in addition to whites), the HERS study, and The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) are the others mentioned in the chapter. Some of the studies seemed to have clear results, and some seemed less clear, but there seemed to be some similar findings, which of course relate to healthy eating, working out and getting sleep - and the use of hormone therapy. The WHI study is the most notorious, because of an early finding that got reported in an incomplete way in 2002 - and the quote we note from the chapter - the Dr says “Whether you realize it or not, the WHI is the reason so many of you are frightened to start hormone therapy.” There are a lot of details that will be specific to you and your personal health story - and can be complicated. Turns out some people stopped taking hormones after the 2002 reporting, and some of them had bad results. The Dr. explains the risk (of having a bad outcome from HRT) to her healthy patients as basically the same chance of getting a date with George Clooney. “Don’t show up to menopause clueless.” “Midlife presents a unique chance to change your health destiny” - a couple of quotes we love.

Chapter 20 - “Every Man Needs a Gynecologist” Funny title, but the point is that we need to get our men to understand what’s happening with our bodies. Sarah actually discussed some of the podcast topics with her husband recently, and it was great because he didn’t realize them - and then he let her know that there have been changes to the protocol for prostate health as well. See? We can learn from each other! Maybe we should all start attending each other’s Dr. appts...

Chapter 21 - “Your Story” Just really a wrap-up chapter - make your health your priority, and it tells how she really got the writing done. Dr quote: “Start your journey to health by taking a baby step forward today. Just do one thing and make it a small thing.” Make that thing a habit, and keep it up, adding to it as you go. We have to take care of our bodies, and we can make a change!

Excellent book! Thank you Dr. Allmen! And that’s a wrap on Season 3! Clarity about the 2nd half of our lives - what’s important - trying new things - growing our hair out - doing kegels - doing our “homework” - all the things!