Julia talks about a man who pulled over to tell her she looked good and what that meant to her - nice, but a little strange! Especially now, weeks later, with all the news. Bible Study: chapter 10 - Brain Health - Sarah was very interested in the part of the chapter about sleeping, because who doesn’t want more and better sleep? Dr. Northrup talks about the “Gerbil Wheel” effect and a trick to stop worrying at night: write your worries down and think about them later - Sarah tried it and it worked! Julia, the lucky one, has always been a good sleeper! Can Estrogen therapy help put off dementia? Depression is not an issue for us personally, which we are grateful for, but what’s underneath the murderous rage? Finding the the joy in life and get over yourself! Memory issues - menopause can affect memory and it may not be signs of dementia - your brain can become more sophisticated as you age! And keep your brain sharp by learning new things! We want to ban the words: SENIOR MOMENT Mentioned the book: “Simple art of not giving a fuck” because menopause can be a time when all the unnecessary stuff falls away.