We discuss an article called “Menopausal Women are the New Black” and that we’re being called the Perennials, which leads to chatting about Julia’s Mom, and fashion trends that work for women of many ages - like the crossover of shopping at the same stores: Old Navy, Hollister, H&M etc. We get into a segment called Bible Study - where we read a chapter of the Wisdom of Menopause by Christiane Northrup and discuss it. So we started with Chapter 7 “Balance your hormone and prevent middle aged spread” Look, it’s harder to lose weight when you’re in menopause. There you have it. But you gotta start where you are. We talk about when Julia was a kid, she was an athlete - plus when she was in college she rowed crew - show a pic! Dr. Northrup talks about how what worked before may not work now. Gotta change it up! We discuss what workouts work for us. And what our overall diets look like. And we commiserate about how easy it is for Men to lose weight. We also calculate our BMIs. And we tell the world how much we weigh! Dr. Northrup cautions for patience. Plus SUPPLEMENTS. (“I didn’t ask for the Anal Probe.”) We discuss our body image issues. “How Hot Was Your Flash?” Our friend told us a story about a group of women who when they all got together, even in Winter, they would all strip down to their tank tops! Julia paid attention to her patch and it helped.

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