This is the final episode of the Men of Fire Series - Part 3: What's Your Motivation To Keep Us Happy?

This episode is also in video format on YouTube at:

In the beginning, we focus so much of our attention on the person we are dating/married to that we can sometimes make you lose focus of ourselves. Then, on the other hand, certain life events take place that can make you lose sight of your other half as well. 

Hey, I get it – life happens, but when we get off course, but why do we stay off?

I call that “Getting attention but not maintaining retention”.

So that’s basically what this podcast topic is about – how do we work on retaining each other in the relationship?  It sums up all the challenges we face in relationships with this issue. Now don't get me wrong we got tons of more to discuss but for now, check out this podcast and hear what we (Joe, Eric, John, Tory, and Bazz) have to share. You might find it a bit interesting.

This episode is also in video format on YouTube at:

Men Speaking Out...Talking to reveal, not conceal!