Quote From the Episode: “Fit! Fit! Fit!” – Kylie & Jonathan The Highlights: Clothing affects others’ perception of you as well as your own self-image and actual physical performance Being well dressed is not just about looking pretty; it communicates a message about your social intelligence The clothing feedback loop: how your clothes impact your […]

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Quote From the Episode:

“Fit! Fit! Fit!”

– Kylie & Jonathan

The Highlights:

Clothing affects others’ perception of you as well as your own self-image and actual physical performance
Being well dressed is not just about looking pretty; it communicates a message about your social intelligence
The clothing feedback loop: how your clothes impact your emotions and responses from others, which in turn feeds back into your emotions
Develop a style that communicates a message about your true self. Don’t be flashy for the sake of being flashy as it can be interpreted as showy, insecure or narcissistic
Key principles to adhere to when shopping for clothes and the staples that every man should keep in his closet
How clothes are like real estate: Fit, Fit, Fit!
When to go custom and when not to

About Kylie & Jonathan:

Kylie & Jonathan are a Toronto based styling team. They are both Certified Image Consultants, providing clients with a unique female and male perspective. Kylie & Jonathan place an emphasis on helping clients boost their confidence and self-image through personal style, by making simple wardrobe changes.

Show Summary:

In this episode, Kylie & Jonathan and I explore the role of clothing and style in dating. We start out by discussing what your clothes communicate about you to others as well as how they impact your own self-image and performance. That’s right, studies have shown that clothes can actually impact how you perform on tests, in sports, and in other situations!

The key takeaways are that by being well put together, you communicate that you are likely have rest of your life in order. However, the goal of personal style is to communicate a message about your true identity rather than to just look fancy. Being very showy, if that is not a reflection of who you really are, can be interpreted as narcissistic and insecure.

In the latter part of the episode, Kylie & Jonathan provide some practical tips for selecting your clothes. They talk about fit, then they talk about fit again (hint, hint) as well as about colors, patterns, accessories and the staples that every man should have in his closet.

To wrap up, they provide their thoughts on going custom and when it doesn’t make sense to do so.


Lots of practical tips for selecting your clothes.

Special Offer:

If you are listener of the Men’s Dating Mastery podcast, you can get a free telephone/Skype “Style Exploration” session with Kylie & Jonathan.  To sign up or to learn more about this free call, please visit:


Contact Kylie & Jonathan:

Web: www.kylieandjonathan.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kylieandjonathan?ref=bookmarks

Twitter: @kyliejonathan

Instagram: @kylieandjonathan

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The post 5| What Your Clothes Are Communicating About You w/ Kylie & Jonathan appeared first on Men's Dating Mastery.

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