Quote From the Episode: “Charisma is the ability to leave someone with a better impression of themselves and of you” – Frank Kermit About Patty Contenta: Patty Contenta is a professional ball room dancer, teacher and judge with over 25 years of experience. She uses her dance background to help people improve their body language […]

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Quote From the Episode:

“Charisma is the ability to leave someone with a better impression of themselves and of you”

– Frank Kermit

About Patty Contenta:

Patty Contenta is a professional ball room dancer, teacher and judge with over 25 years of experience. She uses her dance background to help people improve their body language by applying concepts from dance to movement in everyday life.

The Highlights:

How dance can help you improve your body language in daily life.

Bad posture, poor eye contact and nervous energy are among the biggest pitfalls for guys in the area of body language.

Being alpha is not just about appearing dominant it is also about being able to “vibe” with the other person.

Exude physical charisma by taking up more space, having a clam energy and observing.

Amply your charisma with social virtues, Appreciation, Connection, Elevating the Mood and Self-Expression (ACES).

The right way to build attraction through touch.

Practice being still as a first step to avoid overwhelming yourself with hundreds of potential body language cues all at once.

Do women judge how man is in the bedroom by the way he moves on the dance floor?

Show Summary:

This is an episode with a lot of very specific and actionable advice on improving and interpreting body language, giving good eye contact, exuding charisma and building attraction with women.

We start the conversation by talking about some of the most common pitfalls for guys when it comes to body language. These are poor posture, lack of eye contact and nervous energy which, causes guys to move around too much or fidget.

We discuss the notion of alpha males and how guys, in an effort to appear alpha, will overcompensate by dominating conversations or exuding erratic energy. In the process, this just makes them look like they are not socially attuned. A true alpha, aside from being strong, is a man who can make those around him feel comfortable. Patty points out that good communication, is not only about demonstrating confidence but also about “vibing” with the other person.

She also explains charisma, which she breaks down into physical characteristics and social virtues. On the physical side, charisma can ben exuded by taking up more physical space via good posture, having a calm energy and knowing how to hang back and observe. The social virtues, are neatly summed up with the acronym ACES, which Patty defines as follows:

A – Appreciation

C – Connection

E – Elevating the mood

S – Self Expression

We then discuss the importance of touch in building attraction and Patty provides very specific examples of how and when it can be used, including what to do when you are unsure if she is open to touch. Timing, watching for cues, context and where you touch are all factors that need to be kept in mind and Patty provides very specific guidance on these.

We discuss specific non-verbal cues that a woman may give a man as an invitation to approach or otherwise interact. These include how she holds her body, facial expressions and gestures, along with other signs.

Given that there are potentially hundreds of specific body language cues that a man can pay attention in himself and in others, we provide tips on how to best start making improvements in this area without getting overwhelmed. Patty advises that posture and afore mentioned social virtues alone will make a tremendous positive impact. In addition, to avoid feeling overwhelmed, one can start by being still, minimizing movement all together and then gradually introducing various body language elements one at a time.

To wrap up the conversation, Patty provides her take on whether it is true that women will judge how man is in the bedroom based on the way he moves on the dance floor. This might get a chuckle but the insight are real!


If you focus on anything then focus on posture and developing your social virtues. If you are overwhelmed by the nuances of body language then start by being still and then introduce the various elements one at a time.

Contact Patty Contenta:

Website: www.sensualitysecrets.com

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ThePattyContenta

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The post 14| Using Body Language to Create Attraction w/ Patty Contenta appeared first on Men's Dating Mastery.