So Abundant and Sew Powerful!

Just because you don't know how to do something today should not hold you back from doing that. In today's conversation, Jason Miles shares with us a story of a few women who would not let what they did not know, get in their way. That's when something amazing happened. As it will for you.

Meet our Feature Guest

Jason is an author, teacher, coach, publisher, investor, philanthropist, and entrepreneur. He is the bestselling author of numerous business books including a collection of popular social media books available in stores worldwide.

He is the CEO of Liberty Jane Clothing - a design driven publisher in the sewing and craft space. He and his wife Cinnamon bootstrapped their small business to success using social media and today they lead a growing team and a vibrant online community. They've had over 2.5 million patterns downloaded from their marketplace - Pixie Faire.

Jason and Cinnamon also co-founded Sew Powerful - an innovative non-profit that is combating extreme poverty through sewing. Their sewing cooperative is located in one of the worst urban slums in Lusaka Zambia and makes what they've termed Purposeful Products - essential items that help keep children in school while providing good jobs for the moms of the community. They also coordinate the Sew Powerful Purse Program that is linking seamstresses from around the world to participate in the program.

Jason has helped over 12,000 e-commerce students in the last two years through his popular Udemy course, Shopify Power. He's listed as the "The Most Popular E-commerce Instructor On Udemy". His Inner Circle membership program and one-on-one consulting programs are popular as well.

Connect with our guest

WinningOnShopify.comSew Powerful.Org

Resources Mentioned in the show


Expert Secrets - Russell BrunsonDot Com Secrets - Russell BrunsonThe Most Powerful Goal Achievement System in the World - Mike Pettigrew

Small business owners are great at what they do in their business. You know, those skills that add value to their customer and client. 

However, most will not admit, they are not great at business and marketing.

Get your chance to meet with me to evaluate your business so you can finally Live the Life of Abundance and Prosperity you want for your business and your family.