What If The Truth Was Hidden From You?

"The truth will set you free." But what if the truth has been hidden from you? How free will you truly be? Today, amongst other topics, Daniel Hanzelka and I talk about Reseting Your Money, What is the ONE thing and what is the truth?

Meet our Feature Guest

Daniel Hanzelka is Business Success Coach, speaker, author, and serial entrepreneur. He has 18 years’ experience in the financial services industry as a financial advisor.

Daniel now helps Financial Advisors scale their businesses so they can work with their right clients, make more money and have more freedom to do what they really want.

He is the co-creator of “The RESET Formula” and “The RESET Method”. His mission in business and life is to empower entrepreneurs to discover the truth in the 4 core areas of life. Faith Family Fitness and Finance. So they can have and experience the Epic life they want.

You can learn more about Daniel at resetyourmoney.com

Connect with our guest

Resources Mentioned


The ONE Thing - Gary Keller and Jay PapasanThe Magic of Thinking Big - David Schwartz

I work with small and medium-sized businesses that have little to no money to spend on marketing.I show you how to generate all the leads you can possibly handle by evaluating your existing marketing and showing you how to dramatically reduce or eliminate the money you’re currently spending while significantly increasing both your response and conversion rates.I can typically double or triple your current response rate...but a 50 to 100 times increase isn’t out of the question.And best of all, the strategies I'll teach you will continue to work for you month after month for as long as you're in business.But listen, I know talk is cheap... and I know that you’ve heard these types of claims before, so put me to the test and let me prove that everything I've just said is 100% true.If you will invest just 45 minutes with me, I promise that I will find you at least $10,000 in additional revenue that you can begin to put in your pocket this month... and every month moving forward.We can do this 45 minute session over the phone as an added convenience to you... and I promise during the time we're together that I won't try to sell you a thing.But there is one catch. I'm writing a book detailing the strategies I use to find $10,000 for any small business owner, and my publisher has asked me to include a few additional case studies in my book.I would ask those of you who take me up on my offer to allow me to document your results and use them in my book, either under your real name or anonymously.If you're interested in making an additional $10,000 beginning this month... and every month for the rest of your life as a business owner...Email me at [email protected] [Subject: 45 Minute Breakthrough]And we'll schedule a meeting at your convenienceDon't hesitate - I only need a few additional studiesWatch this video "Everything You've Ever Learned About Generating Leads And Growing Your Business Is Wrong!" This video is 73 min long. But it will be time well spent. I promise.