Connected Men Trust and Look After Each Other

I have always considered myself a people person. I like most people. It's a flaw I picked up from my dad. My dad was too kind for his own good. I was the same way for a very long time. In fact, I asked a few girls out who told me they would not date me because I was too nice. What they were really saying was I a push-over.

Ha! You thought I was going to say smithing else. I could have, I'm not scared.

Well, I grew out of the Mr. Nice Guy phase of my life. But I never stopped liking people.

I like meeting new people. I like learning what people do for their family and humanity. I like to know where people are from, where they have been and where they plan on going in life.

Because of that, I talk to a lot people. It kind of drives my wife crazy that I can start a conversation with a complete stranger and in five minutes know their name, their wife and kids names, where they are from, what they do for humanity and even a few dreams an goals in life are.

What can I say, it's gift.

Not really. I simply ask a few questions and be completely interested in them with no agenda. People naturally want to talk about their number one subject, themselves.

Anyway, I bring that up because I want to share with you what I've learned by talking to all of these people.

I can always tell who's connected with others and who's lonely.

Lonely people are sad, miserable, bitter, angry and usually have a very scarcity mindset. They don't trust other people and some of them are very destructive to themselves.

Connected people on the other hand are usually happy and excited about life. They are open and trusting. Connected people are productive and usually very helpful. They look out for each other.

Have you ever heard the term "It takes a village"?

Connectivity is the reason for that. Villages are connected people working together. They support each other and they are generally very happy.

Just think busy city life vs small town connections.

We, as a culture, are losing this connectivity. And it's literally killing us.

As Simon Sinek mentioned, about school shootings, in the video below.

In the 60s there was 1 school shooting80s - 2790s - 58from 2000 - 2017 - 120

Why do you think that is?

Well, the data proves that 70% of those who committed those crimes were lonely. The shooters had no strong connections.

Men, throughout history, men always had connections. We traveled in groups. We hunted in groups. We had productive men groups.

That has changed drastically in the last 20+ years. Most of us are driving to work alone, sitting in cubicles, maybe talking to a few acquaintances, driving home (alone again) and hanging out with the family.

OK, the hanging out with the family part is great, to me. And having a connection with our wife and kids is priceless. But we need more. We need to hang out with other men who are strong enough to put us in our place when we need it. Men who we can rely on for strong advice or guidance.

It only sounds like some sissy shit to you because that's what this seemingly weak ass society is making us believe. We have also been guilted by wanting to go hang out with the guys. It's BS. We need that.

Find a connection with men in your community.Build strong bonds. If you can't find a group of productive men where you life. Be the man in your area who starts society of strong protectors.

You don't need silly hats, handshakes and jackets. Just men hanging out and building strong bonds.

Live and in person groups are by far the best option as far as I'm concerned. But the next best thing is any number of online groups. There are a few great groups on Facebook and other community platforms. Some are live and in person as well as online.

One of a

Connected Men Trust and Look After Each Other

I have always considered myself a people person. I like most people. It's a flaw I picked up from my dad. My dad was too kind for his own good. I was the same way for a very long time. In fact, I asked a few girls out who told me they would not date me because I was too nice. What they were really saying was I a push-over.

Ha! You thought I was going to say smithing else. I could have, I'm not scared.

Well, I grew out of the Mr. Nice Guy phase of my life. But I never stopped liking people.

I like meeting new people. I like learning what people do for their family and humanity. I like to know where people are from, where they have been and where they plan on going in life.

Because of that, I talk to a lot people. It kind of drives my wife crazy that I can start a conversation with a complete stranger and in five minutes know their name, their wife and kids names, where they are from, what they do for humanity and even a few dreams an goals in life are.

What can I say, it's gift.

Not really. I simply ask a few questions and be completely interested in them with no agenda. People naturally want to talk about their number one subject, themselves.

Anyway, I bring that up because I want to share with you what I've learned by talking to all of these people.

I can always tell who's connected with others and who's lonely.

Lonely people are sad, miserable, bitter, angry and usually have a very scarcity mindset. They don't trust other people and some of them are very destructive to themselves.

Connected people on the other hand are usually happy and excited about life. They are open and trusting. Connected people are productive and usually very helpful. They look out for each other.

Have you ever heard the term "It takes a village"?

Connectivity is the reason for that. Villages are connected people working together. They support each other and they are generally very happy.

Just think busy city life vs small town connections.

We, as a culture, are losing this connectivity. And it's literally killing us.

As Simon Sinek mentioned, about school shootings, in the video below.

In the 60s there was 1 school shooting80s - 2790s - 58from 2000 - 2017 - 120

Why do you think that is?

Well, the data proves that 70% of those who committed those crimes were lonely. The shooters had no strong connections.

Men, throughout history, men always had connections. We traveled in groups. We hunted in groups. We had productive men groups.

That has changed drastically in the last 20+ years. Most of us are driving to work alone, sitting in cubicles, maybe talking to a few acquaintances, driving home (alone again) and hanging out with the family.

OK, the hanging out with the family part is great, to me. And having a connection with our wife and kids is priceless. But we need more. We need to hang out with other men who are strong enough to put us in our place when we need it. Men who we can rely on for strong advice or guidance.

It only sounds like some sissy shit to you because that's what this seemingly weak ass society is making us believe. We have also been guilted by wanting to go hang out with the guys. It's BS. We need that.

Find a connection with men in your community.Build strong bonds. If you can't find a group of productive men where you life. Be the man in your area who starts society of strong protectors.

You don't need silly hats, handshakes and jackets. Just men hanging out and building strong bonds.

Live and in person groups are by far the best option as far as I'm concerned. But the next best thing is any number of online groups. There are a few great groups on Facebook and other community platforms. Some are live and in person as well as online.

One of a few great options is the Men of Abundance Community. I will be planning live meet-ups as well. Because I like that face to face interaction. Which is why I put so many videos in the FB Community.

Request access to the Men of Abundance Community today. Just click on the link you just past. It's back there. Go check it out.

Now, Go and Live Your Life of Abundance. And make sure to Pay it Forward.



Connect with Bernard Perry on Facebook. And check out his Daily Random Thoughts. I really dig them.


Here's Simon Sinek's video. 


Say Hello To My Little Friend... Mr. Lizard.

Mr. Lizard is my roommate and keeps me company while I'm writing and recording all things Men of Abundance.

Sponsors and Affiliates, Helping you live your Life of Abundance and helping me keep the mic on.

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