Branding Yourself, Like a Boss, to Live a Life of Abundance

What or who is your brand? Who do you want others to see you as? Rather you like it or not, others see you how you want them to see you. Be deliberate about who you are as a business, as a person and even as a man. You decide how you want others to see you.

Meet our Feature Guest

As an experienced brand consultant and creative powerhouse, Karlos Copara specializes in building powerfully dynamic brands with a point of differentiation. Karlos has contributed and consulted for successful brands ranging from established entrepreneurs to expanding businesses and global brands. His background includes fortune 500 senior-level creative and has over a decade of experience working with various branding design studios in southern California. Karlos shares a commitment to elevated design and dynamic branding to help entrepreneurs and expanding businesses accelerate towards their highest potential.

Time Stamped Show Notes

(click a time stamp below to time travel directly to that point in the conversation.)

5:53 So, where are you at in the World?

6:45 Attitude of Gratitude

8:35 Let's get Personal

11:20 Kick in the Gut Moment

15:10 Enough is Enough Moment

Paying it Forward 35:37

38:25 Action Steps you can take today.

41:43 What daily habits make the biggest impact in your life?

42:28 What are you reading or listening to right now and why?

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45:47 What do you feel holds most people back from live a life of True Abundance?

48:15 What does Living A Life of Abundance mean to you?

48:50 Parting piece of guidance

Connect with our Feature Guest

Accel BrandingAccelerate Free Brand ConsultationFacebookInstagramTwitter
Wally's Take Away:

Others are going to put a brand on you. Who you are in their eyes is your brand rather you like it or not. Make your brand about who you really want to be.

Resources Mentioned:


Managing Oneself - Peter Drucker
Sponsors and Affiliates, Helping you live your Life of Abundance and helping me keep the mic on.Interview Valet - Talk Directly to your ideal customer. Be a Podcast Guest

Executives, entrepreneurs, & thought leaders everywhere are learning how to reach tens of thousands of targeted interested individuals who are passionate about your area of expertise. Connecting with them through Interview Valet’s concierge-level podcast guest booking service is easy and effective with startlingly immediate results. We have perfected the formula for maximizing the impact of your expertise on your industry through podcasting. Connect with Tom and Interview Valet...

Branding Yourself, Like a Boss, to Live a Life of Abundance

What or who is your brand? Who do you want others to see you as? Rather you like it or not, others see you how you want them to see you. Be deliberate about who you are as a business, as a person and even as a man. You decide how you want others to see you.

Meet our Feature Guest

As an experienced brand consultant and creative powerhouse, Karlos Copara specializes in building powerfully dynamic brands with a point of differentiation. Karlos has contributed and consulted for successful brands ranging from established entrepreneurs to expanding businesses and global brands. His background includes fortune 500 senior-level creative and has over a decade of experience working with various branding design studios in southern California. Karlos shares a commitment to elevated design and dynamic branding to help entrepreneurs and expanding businesses accelerate towards their highest potential.

Time Stamped Show Notes

(click a time stamp below to time travel directly to that point in the conversation.)

5:53 So, where are you at in the World?

6:45 Attitude of Gratitude

8:35 Let's get Personal

11:20 Kick in the Gut Moment

15:10 Enough is Enough Moment

Paying it Forward 35:37

38:25 Action Steps you can take today.

41:43 What daily habits make the biggest impact in your life?

42:28 What are you reading or listening to right now and why?

Start your 30 day Audible trial and get Your Free Book

45:47 What do you feel holds most people back from live a life of True Abundance?

48:15 What does Living A Life of Abundance mean to you?

48:50 Parting piece of guidance

Connect with our Feature Guest

Accel BrandingAccelerate Free Brand ConsultationFacebookInstagramTwitter
Wally's Take Away:

Others are going to put a brand on you. Who you are in their eyes is your brand rather you like it or not. Make your brand about who you really want to be.

Resources Mentioned:


Managing Oneself - Peter Drucker
Sponsors and Affiliates, Helping you live your Life of Abundance and helping me keep the mic on.Interview Valet - Talk Directly to your ideal customer. Be a Podcast Guest

Executives, entrepreneurs, & thought leaders everywhere are learning how to reach tens of thousands of targeted interested individuals who are passionate about your area of expertise. Connecting with them through Interview Valet’s concierge-level podcast guest booking service is easy and effective with startlingly immediate results. We have perfected the formula for maximizing the impact of your expertise on your industry through podcasting. Connect with Tom and Interview Valet today

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