Aloha Men, today is Pay it Forward Aloha Friday. This week I have a breakthrough thanks to a fellow podcaster and coach of men, Ryan Michler. In this episode I tell the story of my journey to become a Special Forces Medic (18D). I share with you the pain I endured and the hard decisions I had to make.

My breakthrough came to me thanks to Ryan and a conversation he had with Navy Seal Joost Janssen on episode 119 of Order of Man podcast.

In this conversation, Ryan and Joost start talking about quitting and Joost gave his perspective on quitting. He started out talking about why most men quit before they become a Navy Seal and the difference in those who do make it.

But then Joost starts talking about quitting when it gets hard as apposed to quitting when it's just the smart thing to do.

Thank you for allowing me to share this tough part of my life with you. I'm sure it will resinate with a few of you.

Feel free to Share this episode with others who you fell will benefit from my experience.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Share in the comments below or in our Closed Facebook group.

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Now go out and live your Live of Abundance. And make sure to Pay it Forward.

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