Aloha Men of Abundance, Today's Bonus episode is all about getting that kick in the ass you need. I'm going to share with you a kick in the ass I got a few days ago and where you can look for your next kick in the ass. I kinda feel like Red Forman from That 70's Show. I did that show by the way. Anyway, take a listen and get back with me to share your thoughts.

Hit me up on my contact form or even better, let's chat on our private Facebook group so others can benefit an join in on the conversation.


Here's the email that kicked me in the ass and got me moving again.


Good Morning Top Just wanted to write you real quick and say thanks for everything you are doing with this podcast. You have made me into a huge fan. I am working for a sales company so I spend a lot of time driving and your episodes keep me going and have inspired me to look at some other options in my life and ways to improve.  I am in the process right now of starting my own real estate business. Your guests an you have inspired me to take advantage of my experiences and turning that into an opportunity where I can live what I consider a life of abundance. Keep up the good work and I hope the men of abundance community keeps growing.  Thanks Joe West

Thanks again Joe, I appreciate you taking the time to write this email and I'm very excited to learn that you're taking action on your side hustle and real estate business.


Check out other reviews in the sidebar of this page and on iTunes. Hey, while you're there, how'z bout you leave your thoughts and what you're getting out of this experience. I greatly appreciate it.


We know you have something to add. We want to hear what you have to say.

Other mentioned resources:

Cameron HeraldBilly Gene ShawDavid SandersonKay Wilkins
Sponsors and Affiliates (Helping me keep the mic on.)

Shakeology, Dense nutrition shake.  Shakeology makes nutrition simple. And with 70+ ingredients and superfoods, it is the Healthiest Meal of the Day.

"My family and I have been drinking Shakeology daily for the last 5 years. Even my six year old has been drinking it since he was two." ~ Wally

Click Here!  To watch a short personal video I recorded with my little guy about our experience.

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Aloha Men of Abundance, Today's Bonus episode is all about getting that kick in the ass you need. I'm going to share with you a kick in the ass I got a few days ago and where you can look for your next kick in the ass. I kinda feel like Red Forman from That 70's Show. I did that show by the way. Anyway, take a listen and get back with me to share your thoughts.

Hit me up on my contact form or even better, let's chat on our private Facebook group so others can benefit an join in on the conversation.


Here's the email that kicked me in the ass and got me moving again.


Good Morning Top Just wanted to write you real quick and say thanks for everything you are doing with this podcast. You have made me into a huge fan. I am working for a sales company so I spend a lot of time driving and your episodes keep me going and have inspired me to look at some other options in my life and ways to improve.  I am in the process right now of starting my own real estate business. Your guests an you have inspired me to take advantage of my experiences and turning that into an opportunity where I can live what I consider a life of abundance. Keep up the good work and I hope the men of abundance community keeps growing.  Thanks Joe West

Thanks again Joe, I appreciate you taking the time to write this email and I'm very excited to learn that you're taking action on your side hustle and real estate business.


Check out other reviews in the sidebar of this page and on iTunes. Hey, while you're there, how'z bout you leave your thoughts and what you're getting out of this experience. I greatly appreciate it.


We know you have something to add. We want to hear what you have to say.

Other mentioned resources:

Cameron HeraldBilly Gene ShawDavid SandersonKay Wilkins
Sponsors and Affiliates (Helping me keep the mic on.)

Shakeology, Dense nutrition shake.  Shakeology makes nutrition simple. And with 70+ ingredients and superfoods, it is the Healthiest Meal of the Day.

"My family and I have been drinking Shakeology daily for the last 5 years. Even my six year old has been drinking it since he was two." ~ Wally

Click Here!  To watch a short personal video I recorded with my little guy about our experience.

Unlock the world's most powerful, life-changing fitness tools when you join the Team Beachbody Club. Get 24/7 digital streaming access to hundreds of world-class workouts via Beachbody® On Demand, exclusive discounts on Team Beachbody products, personalized meal plans, and one-on-one support from your very own Coach. Everything that helps Club members hit their health goals up to 2 times faster than those who don't join!

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