Many of us would like to believe we know exactly what's in store for our future. We even want to believe we have control over what's to come. The fact is, we have little to no control of the circumstances, obstacles and struggles we are going to face. You've heard it before, "It's how you react to those struggles that's ultimately going to get you to where you want to be in life." Anthony Aguiniga certainly knows struggle and his abundant and resilient mindset has taken him places he never imagined for himself.

This is an amazing story about a couple of Special Forces Soldiers doing what they do best, "adapt and overcome". Woobies was conceived in a bar over a few drinks by Anthony Anguiniga and Matt Mrwik. They took an idea conjured up over a few drinks to a very abundant for purpose business.

But the Tony's story up to that point is what we get into today.

Anthony Aguiniga s the Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Woobies LLC. Anthony joined the US Army in 2001 and was honorably discharged in 2012 as a Special Forces Green Beret. After the military, he attended the Dallas Fire-rescue academy to become a Ffirefighter/EMT for the city of Dallas.

Not satisfied, Anthony resigned to become a government contractor and also a reserve police officer to include working with the U

S Marshal task forces. After this, Anthony ventured to selling securities as a series 63 and 22 oil broker.

In October of 2015, Anthony and his partner Matt Mrwik started the first veteran owned and operated shoe company in its space Woobies shoes.

Woobies Shoes partners with the Green Beret Foundation and the Boot Campaign. The company provides exclusive timeless shoes and is a verteran advocate. Anthony now resides in the Dallas, TX area where he is a single dad and business man. His goals are to help veterans and civil servants in need and their families.

We know you have something to add. We want to hear what you have to say.

[spp-timestamp time="6:54"] Tony's Attitude of Gratitude

[spp-timestamp time="7:40"] Let's get Personal

[spp-timestamp time="14:30"] What was Tony's Biggest Kick in the Gut moment?

[spp-timestamp time="16:40"] What was Tony's Enough is enough moment.

[spp-timestamp time="29:30"] What is Woobies?

Paying it Forward 

[spp-timestamp time="38:00"] Action Steps

[spp-timestamp time="40:20"] What daily habits make the biggest impact in your life?

[spp-timestamp time="41:44"] What book would you recommend to our Abundant Leaders and why?

Anything from Zig ZiglarHouse of LeavesSocial Engineering, The Heart of Human Hacking

Start your 30 day Audible trial and Free Book

Recommended books:

Abundance - Peter DiamandisThe Slight Edge - Jeff OlsonThe One Thing - Jay Papasan and Gary Keller

[spp-timestamp time="44:50"] What does Living A Life of Abundance mean to Anthony Aguiniga?

Living a live of abundance is a lifestyle.Making something positive for yourself and your familySelfless ServiceUse your talents to help others

[spp-timestamp time="46:00"] Parting piece of guidance

Connect with Anthony Aguiniga

Many of us would like to believe we know exactly what's in store for our future. We even want to believe we have control over what's to come. The fact is, we have little to no control of the circumstances, obstacles and struggles we are going to face. You've heard it before, "It's how you react to those struggles that's ultimately going to get you to where you want to be in life." Anthony Aguiniga certainly knows struggle and his abundant and resilient mindset has taken him places he never imagined for himself.

This is an amazing story about a couple of Special Forces Soldiers doing what they do best, "adapt and overcome". Woobies was conceived in a bar over a few drinks by Anthony Anguiniga and Matt Mrwik. They took an idea conjured up over a few drinks to a very abundant for purpose business.

But the Tony's story up to that point is what we get into today.

Anthony Aguiniga s the Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Woobies LLC. Anthony joined the US Army in 2001 and was honorably discharged in 2012 as a Special Forces Green Beret. After the military, he attended the Dallas Fire-rescue academy to become a Ffirefighter/EMT for the city of Dallas.

Not satisfied, Anthony resigned to become a government contractor and also a reserve police officer to include working with the U

S Marshal task forces. After this, Anthony ventured to selling securities as a series 63 and 22 oil broker.

In October of 2015, Anthony and his partner Matt Mrwik started the first veteran owned and operated shoe company in its space Woobies shoes.

Woobies Shoes partners with the Green Beret Foundation and the Boot Campaign. The company provides exclusive timeless shoes and is a verteran advocate. Anthony now resides in the Dallas, TX area where he is a single dad and business man. His goals are to help veterans and civil servants in need and their families.

We know you have something to add. We want to hear what you have to say.

[spp-timestamp time="6:54"] Tony's Attitude of Gratitude

[spp-timestamp time="7:40"] Let's get Personal

[spp-timestamp time="14:30"] What was Tony's Biggest Kick in the Gut moment?

[spp-timestamp time="16:40"] What was Tony's Enough is enough moment.

[spp-timestamp time="29:30"] What is Woobies?

Paying it Forward 

[spp-timestamp time="38:00"] Action Steps

[spp-timestamp time="40:20"] What daily habits make the biggest impact in your life?

[spp-timestamp time="41:44"] What book would you recommend to our Abundant Leaders and why?

Anything from Zig ZiglarHouse of LeavesSocial Engineering, The Heart of Human Hacking

Start your 30 day Audible trial and Free Book

Recommended books:

Abundance - Peter DiamandisThe Slight Edge - Jeff OlsonThe One Thing - Jay Papasan and Gary Keller

[spp-timestamp time="44:50"] What does Living A Life of Abundance mean to Anthony Aguiniga?

Living a live of abundance is a lifestyle.Making something positive for yourself and your familySelfless ServiceUse your talents to help others

[spp-timestamp time="46:00"] Parting piece of guidance

Connect with Anthony Aguiniga

Other Recourses Mentioned:

Since this episode posted:


Thank you for the hard work. It turned out great! I loved it and listened many times. I hope it inspires entrepreneurs around the globe of hardships and love. I really want you to see this email we received. So powerful and why I do what I do!! Se below and god bless brother!


To The Woobies Family,

We all love products that make our life easier or better just because they make us feel good. Woobies, has done that for my family. I’m sure you’re wondering how a pair of shoes could do that so let me explain, but before I do I have to say THANK YOU.

My day starts and ends when its dark. Often times I make my way to bed between 1 and 2 in the morning and I’m up again around 5. As a full-time student and single parent to two boys it’s always hard to budget time, but then add to it that my kids are both on the Autism spectrum. My oldest Shea, is very high functioning and unless you know what to look for or spend a lot of time with him you would think he’s just a little odd. However, Grant, is on the moderate to severe end of the spectrum. He is verbal, and is very intelligent, but much of his day is controlled chaos. 

He’s loud and constantly moving trying to control his sensory overload. When most kids complain that they don’t like their clothes its usually because they aren’t “cool enough.” Grant doesn’t like most clothes because they hurt. Jeans feel like sandpaper, the lines in his socks cause him to itch, and most shoes hurt his feet. That means that every morning before I wake him up I brace myself for whatever fight he’s going to put up when I tell him it’s time to get dressed.  What was comfortable yesterday might be the most uncomfortable thing in the world for him to put on today. He lives in a world where I minimize things that are tight fitting, have zippers, or laces because his fine motor skills are underdeveloped. 

Shoes with laces cause me to take pause and say “is it worth it?” I’ve learned the hard way it usually isn’t, because if they come untied at school and the teacher doesn’t tie them correctly it causes a meltdown, and that meltdown can last anywhere from a few minutes to days. Last time he had shoes with laces because he couldn’t tie them and he couldn’t explain to me how tight he needed them he became so overwhelmed he kicked me in the face and broke my nose while I was trying to tie his shoes. I’m not telling you all of this to waste your time or make you feel bad I’m telling this to say thank you!

I had shown Grant a clip of Tim wearing his Woobies on one of his crazy adventures during Hunting Hitler. Grant laughed, and then started asking kid questions. “How come he can wear his shoes in the water?” “How come his shoes don’t come untied-I want shoes like that.” The very broke college student in me straight up asked him that if I bought them will he actually wear them? I got the most convincing answer other than a NO that you will get from Grant, which is “I dunno, I’ll try.” In our world to me that answer is a yes, and I placed an order.

Then his Woobies arrived (and mine did too). I braced myself for what would come next, would he remember that he said he would try them, he’d had a pretty good day and was happy, would me trying these shoes ruin that? Although I know anything can send him into a meltdown it was go time, and we were going to try this again. 

He held the shoes in his hand and was excited about how light they were, he was not thrilled with laces and started to whine and then suddenly stopped and said “the laces are sticky.” I got nervous and thought that this experiment ended before it really started, but he was excited and blurted out “Maybe they won’t come untied!” From an average person’s perspective, the shoes fit perfectly and I wondered if he liked them because he wasn’t saying anything. He also wasn’t trying to rip them off his feet and I didn’t have blood pouring from my nose this time. As he played with his iPad he was tapping his feet together and was calm. He was happy they weren’t coming untied, and started to giggle. I asked if he liked his new shoes and his response was perfect; “No, I love them!” 

Since his Woobies arrived getting him dressed has been easier because he wants his new shoes! He’s even asked to try and tie them. We’re getting there; he hasn’t quite gotten it, but the laces are easy for him to grip so he’s willing to keep trying.

What may seem like a very simple thing to most people is something to celebrate in my house and I cannot say thank you enough for giving us something to celebrate.  Your shoes have made him so happy over the past week that he’s been “meltdown” free. 

While you may have never thought a pair of shoes could change someone’s world please know that it has, and for that I am forever grateful and appreciative.  

Keep doing great things and Happy New Year.


Alicia xxxxxxx"





910-494-0880 cell

[email protected]

***Veteran Owned and Designed Shoes***

Hey guys, thanks so much for your time.

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Check out this conversation with me and @Tony_woobies #woobies #shoes #SpecialForces #Abundance
— Wally Carmichael (@WallyCarmichael) January 14, 2017

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