Men, you often here me talking about the importance of education. And you know I'm a perpetual learner. Rather you choose to got to college or not, it's vital that you continue your education. Our feature guest today is Cierra Seay. Cierra has turned her college dropout experience into a very positive message and is living up other college dropouts by paying it forward on The College Dropout podcast. And her abundance does not end there.

[spp-tweet tweet="I’ve always been cut from a different cloth, never wanted to go the traditional route in life."]

Millennial entrepreneur who vows to inspire, empower, and mentor those who take a different path. That’s who Cierra Seay is. “I’ve always been cut from a different cloth, never wanted to go the traditional route in life.” Cierra is an entrepreneur from Detroit,Mi who has a real estate business as well as a network marketing business. She’s recently launched her own podcast entitled “The College Dropout Podcast” where she interviews entrepreneurs who either dropped out of college or skipped college altogether. Those who have chosen to take a different path if you will. Her goal is to help individuals like herself who don’t have a formal education yet still want to succeed in the world of entrepreneurship. In her spare time Cierra loves to spend time with her friends and family, she loves to read, and also enjoys helping and mentoring others.

Get in on the conversation Connect on our Men of Abundance Facebook Fan Page

You can Time Travel...

well kinda. Click on the timestamps below to travel directly to the part of the show you want to enjoy.

[spp-timestamp time="7:09"] Cierra's Attitude of Gratitude

Another day to get better at what I do and another day to learn

[spp-timestamp time="9:00"] Let's get Personal

Lives in Detroit MichiganLove sportsI've always been good a writingI created the sports section of the paper in High School

[spp-timestamp time="11:38"] What was Cierra's Biggest Kick in the Gut moment?

Went to Michigan State University and got kicked out for plagiarismAfter going back home I found out I was pregnant with my first son (Blessing but still a kick in the gut at the time)

[spp-timestamp time="14:05"] Cierra's pivot point

I found out about podcasting while I was working in Real EstateBigger PocketsLearned about podcasts through and John Lee Dumas

[spp-timestamp time="17:42"] Feedback from listeners of The College Dropout Podcast

[spp-timestamp time="30:33"] Paying it Forward 

[spp-timestamp time="32:51"] Action Steps

Figure out your core values and WRITE THEM DOWN!If you want to be an entrepreneur, write down what you want to do in great detailFind one or two motivational speakers or authors and study them for a year

[spp-timestamp time="35:36"] Daily Habits that make the biggest impact in Cierra's life

I listen or read something positive every single dayTake some time to myself

[spp-timestamp time="36:20"] Recommended books

Greatness is upon you

[spp-timestamp time="37:47"] What does Living A Life of Abundance mean to Cierra Seay?

Living a life basically with no regrets

[spp-tweet tweet="I don't want to end up being 65 saying, I wish I would have..."]

[spp-timestamp time="38:59"] Parting piece of guidance

[spp-tweet tweet="Doing the best...

Men, you often here me talking about the importance of education. And you know I'm a perpetual learner. Rather you choose to got to college or not, it's vital that you continue your education. Our feature guest today is Cierra Seay. Cierra has turned her college dropout experience into a very positive message and is living up other college dropouts by paying it forward on The College Dropout podcast. And her abundance does not end there.

[spp-tweet tweet="I’ve always been cut from a different cloth, never wanted to go the traditional route in life."]

Millennial entrepreneur who vows to inspire, empower, and mentor those who take a different path. That’s who Cierra Seay is. “I’ve always been cut from a different cloth, never wanted to go the traditional route in life.” Cierra is an entrepreneur from Detroit,Mi who has a real estate business as well as a network marketing business. She’s recently launched her own podcast entitled “The College Dropout Podcast” where she interviews entrepreneurs who either dropped out of college or skipped college altogether. Those who have chosen to take a different path if you will. Her goal is to help individuals like herself who don’t have a formal education yet still want to succeed in the world of entrepreneurship. In her spare time Cierra loves to spend time with her friends and family, she loves to read, and also enjoys helping and mentoring others.

Get in on the conversation Connect on our Men of Abundance Facebook Fan Page

You can Time Travel...

well kinda. Click on the timestamps below to travel directly to the part of the show you want to enjoy.

[spp-timestamp time="7:09"] Cierra's Attitude of Gratitude

Another day to get better at what I do and another day to learn

[spp-timestamp time="9:00"] Let's get Personal

Lives in Detroit MichiganLove sportsI've always been good a writingI created the sports section of the paper in High School

[spp-timestamp time="11:38"] What was Cierra's Biggest Kick in the Gut moment?

Went to Michigan State University and got kicked out for plagiarismAfter going back home I found out I was pregnant with my first son (Blessing but still a kick in the gut at the time)

[spp-timestamp time="14:05"] Cierra's pivot point

I found out about podcasting while I was working in Real EstateBigger PocketsLearned about podcasts through and John Lee Dumas

[spp-timestamp time="17:42"] Feedback from listeners of The College Dropout Podcast

[spp-timestamp time="30:33"] Paying it Forward 

[spp-timestamp time="32:51"] Action Steps

Figure out your core values and WRITE THEM DOWN!If you want to be an entrepreneur, write down what you want to do in great detailFind one or two motivational speakers or authors and study them for a year

[spp-timestamp time="35:36"] Daily Habits that make the biggest impact in Cierra's life

I listen or read something positive every single dayTake some time to myself

[spp-timestamp time="36:20"] Recommended books

Greatness is upon you

[spp-timestamp time="37:47"] What does Living A Life of Abundance mean to Cierra Seay?

Living a life basically with no regrets

[spp-tweet tweet="I don't want to end up being 65 saying, I wish I would have..."]

[spp-timestamp time="38:59"] Parting piece of guidance

[spp-tweet tweet="Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment"]

Connect with Cierra Seay

[email protected]InstagramFacebook


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