When was last time you expressed genuine gratitude? Emails and text messages are ok, but there's something about receiving a physical hand written Thank You Card. And when the card art was designed by a special group of people and gives back to a community in need, the gesture is that much better. Scott Colby is giving you a great reason to give a thank you card, while building schools for children in great need.

[spp-tweet tweet="If I lose my passion or interest or desire for something, I'm not afraid to move on. Scott Colby"]

My name is Scott Colby and I’m the creator of Fit For Photos, where we help real men and women look hot for a professional photo shoot.

I’ve worked with literally hundreds of people both personally as one-on-one clients and in my Women’s Only Bootcamps that I used to run in Dallas, Texas. And that doesn’t even include the thousands of men and women I’ve consulted with and helped in my online businesses, my teleseminars, and my other products. I’m an internationally known fitness professional, speaker and author.

Back in January of 2012, I set a new goal for myself – to be the best shape of my life at age 40 and to look as hot as I could for a professional photo shoot. After a few conversations with my friend and awesome photographer, Stacy Nish, I decided to do a photo shoot with me on April 7, 2012. You can see one of the pictures from that shoot to the right.

So I put together a really intense workout routine and nutrition plan and away I went. It was a really challenging program but I’m always up for a good challenge. Read More

[spp-tweet tweet="Don't be afraid to pivot and change if theirs something else out there you'd rather be doing "]

Get in on the conversation

You can Time Travel... well kinda. Click on the timestamps below to travel directly to the part of the show you want to enjoy.

[spp-timestamp time="4:59"] Scott's Attitude of Gratitude

[spp-timestamp time="5:36"] Why Scott is so Grateful

[spp-timestamp time="6:45"] Let's get Personal

Currently lives in Denver Colorado but he grew up in VirginiaScott has a Masters Degree in Bio Medical Engineering with a focus in Bio MechanicsLoves adventure, out doors and international travelBackground in fitness

[spp-timestamp time="20:14"] What was Scott's Biggest Kick in the Gut moment?

Fired from a great paying job in a city (Phoenix) where I knew no one and had no support

[spp-timestamp time="29:25"] Scott's pivot point into Say it with Gratitude.

Say it with Gratitude is a subscription Thank You Card BusinessThank you card artwork designed by kids in GuatemalaA portion of the sales go back to Pencils of Promise which helps build schoolsI was reading Evolved Enterprise by Yanik SilverI was inspired by Tom's Shoes

[spp-timestamp time="41:26"] Paying it Forward 

[spp-timestamp time="43:46"] Action Steps

Start every morning by express Gratitude. Have an Attitude of GratitudeMeditateLook at people you're spending your time with

[spp-tweet tweet="You are the average of the five men you spend the most time with - Jim Rohn"]

[spp-timestamp time="46:10"] Daily Habits that make the biggest impact...

When was last time you expressed genuine gratitude? Emails and text messages are ok, but there's something about receiving a physical hand written Thank You Card. And when the card art was designed by a special group of people and gives back to a community in need, the gesture is that much better. Scott Colby is giving you a great reason to give a thank you card, while building schools for children in great need.

[spp-tweet tweet="If I lose my passion or interest or desire for something, I'm not afraid to move on. Scott Colby"]

My name is Scott Colby and I’m the creator of Fit For Photos, where we help real men and women look hot for a professional photo shoot.

I’ve worked with literally hundreds of people both personally as one-on-one clients and in my Women’s Only Bootcamps that I used to run in Dallas, Texas. And that doesn’t even include the thousands of men and women I’ve consulted with and helped in my online businesses, my teleseminars, and my other products. I’m an internationally known fitness professional, speaker and author.

Back in January of 2012, I set a new goal for myself – to be the best shape of my life at age 40 and to look as hot as I could for a professional photo shoot. After a few conversations with my friend and awesome photographer, Stacy Nish, I decided to do a photo shoot with me on April 7, 2012. You can see one of the pictures from that shoot to the right.

So I put together a really intense workout routine and nutrition plan and away I went. It was a really challenging program but I’m always up for a good challenge. Read More

[spp-tweet tweet="Don't be afraid to pivot and change if theirs something else out there you'd rather be doing "]

Get in on the conversation

You can Time Travel... well kinda. Click on the timestamps below to travel directly to the part of the show you want to enjoy.

[spp-timestamp time="4:59"] Scott's Attitude of Gratitude

[spp-timestamp time="5:36"] Why Scott is so Grateful

[spp-timestamp time="6:45"] Let's get Personal

Currently lives in Denver Colorado but he grew up in VirginiaScott has a Masters Degree in Bio Medical Engineering with a focus in Bio MechanicsLoves adventure, out doors and international travelBackground in fitness

[spp-timestamp time="20:14"] What was Scott's Biggest Kick in the Gut moment?

Fired from a great paying job in a city (Phoenix) where I knew no one and had no support

[spp-timestamp time="29:25"] Scott's pivot point into Say it with Gratitude.

Say it with Gratitude is a subscription Thank You Card BusinessThank you card artwork designed by kids in GuatemalaA portion of the sales go back to Pencils of Promise which helps build schoolsI was reading Evolved Enterprise by Yanik SilverI was inspired by Tom's Shoes

[spp-timestamp time="41:26"] Paying it Forward 

[spp-timestamp time="43:46"] Action Steps

Start every morning by express Gratitude. Have an Attitude of GratitudeMeditateLook at people you're spending your time with

[spp-tweet tweet="You are the average of the five men you spend the most time with - Jim Rohn"]

[spp-timestamp time="46:10"] Daily Habits that make the biggest impact in Scott's life

Morning ritual / habitsDrink a healthy smoothyFill out a Gratitude journalLook over my affirmationsWorkout

[spp-timestamp time="47:35"] Recommended books

Evolved Enterprise by Yanik SilverSchool of Greatness - Louis Howes

[spp-timestamp time="49:00"] What does Living A Life of Abundance mean to Scott Colby?

Finding out what your passions and your purpose is. Then design your life around that.

Parting piece of guidance

Start to see where you can appreciate other peopleCall someone and tell them you appreciate themSend a Thank You Card

Connect with Scott Colby

ScottColby.comSayItWithGratitude.comUltimate Gratitude Summit
Sponsors and Affiliates (Helping me keep the mic on.)

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