Our feature guest today, Alf Herigstad, is a lifelong entrepreneur in four different industries; Construction, fitness, transportation, real estate, and now…as host of the Being A Better Man podcast. He is a Veteran of the Army, a former boxer, a farmer, a reality TV personality in Norway, a father of three and grandfather of nine. All of his life experience has culminated into a driving passion to now share the things he has learned with the rest of the world, particularly with other men. His message; be a better man today, than you were yesterday….and then keep doing that every day until you die.


[spp-tweet tweet=" So many guys are drifting into adulthood without any idea of what it means to be a man. Alf Herigstad "]

Get in on the conversation

You can Time Travel... well kinda. Click on the timestamps below to travel directly to the part of the show you want to enjoy.

[spp-timestamp time="7:29"] Alf's Attitude of Gratitude

[spp-timestamp time="8:18"] Let's get Personal

[spp-timestamp time="14:22"] What was Alf's Biggest Kick in the Gut moment?

[spp-timestamp time="19:23"] Alf's Enough is Enough Pivot Point

[spp-timestamp time="31:40"] Paying it Forward 

[spp-timestamp time="34:03"] Action Steps

Have a moment in the mirrorTake note of what you like and don't like.Look into how to get better in those things you likeKeep repeating steps one and two until you die.

[spp-timestamp time="35:36"] Daily Habits that make the biggest impact in Alf's life

Schedule of alarms for specific tasks throughout the dayI even have an hour where I will do what my wife wants me to doAnd I schedule in my down time

[spp-timestamp time="37:22"] Recommended books

Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us - Seth Godin

[spp-timestamp time="38:42"] What does Living A Life of Abundance mean to Alf Herigstad?

The most valuable things we posses in life are our relationships. That's what I believe is what Abundance is all about.

[spp-timestamp time="39:32"] Parting piece of guidance.

The things we Focus on will expand. Thats the good things and bad things.

Connect with Alf Herigstad

http://www.beingabettermanpodcast.com/Email - [email protected]FacebookTwitter
Sponsors and Affiliates (Helping me keep the mic on.)

Interview Valet - Grow your business talking directly to your ideal customer. 

Executives, entrepreneurs, & thought leaders everywhere are learning how to reach tens of thousands of targeted interested individuals who are...

Our feature guest today, Alf Herigstad, is a lifelong entrepreneur in four different industries; Construction, fitness, transportation, real estate, and now…as host of the Being A Better Man podcast. He is a Veteran of the Army, a former boxer, a farmer, a reality TV personality in Norway, a father of three and grandfather of nine. All of his life experience has culminated into a driving passion to now share the things he has learned with the rest of the world, particularly with other men. His message; be a better man today, than you were yesterday….and then keep doing that every day until you die.


[spp-tweet tweet=" So many guys are drifting into adulthood without any idea of what it means to be a man. Alf Herigstad "]

Get in on the conversation

You can Time Travel... well kinda. Click on the timestamps below to travel directly to the part of the show you want to enjoy.

[spp-timestamp time="7:29"] Alf's Attitude of Gratitude

[spp-timestamp time="8:18"] Let's get Personal

[spp-timestamp time="14:22"] What was Alf's Biggest Kick in the Gut moment?

[spp-timestamp time="19:23"] Alf's Enough is Enough Pivot Point

[spp-timestamp time="31:40"] Paying it Forward 

[spp-timestamp time="34:03"] Action Steps

Have a moment in the mirrorTake note of what you like and don't like.Look into how to get better in those things you likeKeep repeating steps one and two until you die.

[spp-timestamp time="35:36"] Daily Habits that make the biggest impact in Alf's life

Schedule of alarms for specific tasks throughout the dayI even have an hour where I will do what my wife wants me to doAnd I schedule in my down time

[spp-timestamp time="37:22"] Recommended books

Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us - Seth Godin

[spp-timestamp time="38:42"] What does Living A Life of Abundance mean to Alf Herigstad?

The most valuable things we posses in life are our relationships. That's what I believe is what Abundance is all about.

[spp-timestamp time="39:32"] Parting piece of guidance.

The things we Focus on will expand. Thats the good things and bad things.

Connect with Alf Herigstad

http://www.beingabettermanpodcast.com/Email - [email protected]FacebookTwitter
Sponsors and Affiliates (Helping me keep the mic on.)

Interview Valet - Grow your business talking directly to your ideal customer. 

Executives, entrepreneurs, & thought leaders everywhere are learning how to reach tens of thousands of targeted interested individuals who are passionate about your area of expertise. Connecting with them through Interview Valet’s concierge-level podcast guest booking service is easy and effective with startlingly immediate results. We have perfected the formula for maximizing the impact of your expertise on your industry through podcasting. This video explains it much better than I can.

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