Money is important. What's even more important is how the money is obtained. When I hear people say "I need a job", my response is "no you don't, you need income". Of course a job equals various levels of income. However, a job also often equals various levels of stress and frustrations in pursuit of someone else dream. Jeff Smith enjoyed a six figure income in a job that just was not all that fulfilling. So he quit to pursue other vocations. Where he ended up is quite interesting.

[spp-tweet tweet="I believe Abundance as a principle"]

What did I do in the Vroom Vroom Lane?Served in the United States Air Force for 20 yearsLived in Japan, Hawaii, Florida, Japan (again), England, and finally Los AngelesMarried Yayoi when I was in Hawaii (She’s from Japan)Took off my uniform and worked two high-salary jobs as a DOD contractor for three years
Then when did I VEER?In 2011, I quit my six-figure job (to Yayoi’s dismay…but she didn’t leave!)Finished a Bachelors Degree in PsychologyLearned I really didn’t want a job in PsychologyWent to massage school and learned about Trigger Point Therapy, Chinese Medicine, etc.Worked in a SPA long enough to learn I didn’t want to work in a SPA
 Get in on the conversation in our Men of Abundance Community

You can Time Travel... well kinda. Click on the timestamps below to travel directly to that part of the show.

Jeff's Kick in the Gut Moment: [spp-timestamp time="13:51"]Paying it Forward [spp-timestamp time="32:27"]

Action Steps [spp-timestamp time="34:51"]

Floss - Yes, Jeff sais to flossMeditateGet moving, exercise

Daily Habits [spp-timestamp time="41:45"]

Sleep WellNail Breakfast (coffee, veggie, lots of eggs and some sort of bacon)

Recommended books [spp-timestamp time="43:32"]

The 48 Laws of PowerFooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets (Incerto)The Black Swan: Second Edition: The Impact of the Highly Improbable: With a new section: "On Robustness and Fragility" (Incerto)

Charities [spp-timestamp time="45:36"]

Charity Water

What does Living A Life of Abundance mean to Jeff Smith? [spp-timestamp time="356:19"]

I believe

Money is important. What's even more important is how the money is obtained. When I hear people say "I need a job", my response is "no you don't, you need income". Of course a job equals various levels of income. However, a job also often equals various levels of stress and frustrations in pursuit of someone else dream. Jeff Smith enjoyed a six figure income in a job that just was not all that fulfilling. So he quit to pursue other vocations. Where he ended up is quite interesting.

[spp-tweet tweet="I believe Abundance as a principle"]

What did I do in the Vroom Vroom Lane?Served in the United States Air Force for 20 yearsLived in Japan, Hawaii, Florida, Japan (again), England, and finally Los AngelesMarried Yayoi when I was in Hawaii (She’s from Japan)Took off my uniform and worked two high-salary jobs as a DOD contractor for three years
Then when did I VEER?In 2011, I quit my six-figure job (to Yayoi’s dismay…but she didn’t leave!)Finished a Bachelors Degree in PsychologyLearned I really didn’t want a job in PsychologyWent to massage school and learned about Trigger Point Therapy, Chinese Medicine, etc.Worked in a SPA long enough to learn I didn’t want to work in a SPA
 Get in on the conversation in our Men of Abundance Community

You can Time Travel... well kinda. Click on the timestamps below to travel directly to that part of the show.

Jeff's Kick in the Gut Moment: [spp-timestamp time="13:51"]Paying it Forward [spp-timestamp time="32:27"]

Action Steps [spp-timestamp time="34:51"]

Floss - Yes, Jeff sais to flossMeditateGet moving, exercise

Daily Habits [spp-timestamp time="41:45"]

Sleep WellNail Breakfast (coffee, veggie, lots of eggs and some sort of bacon)

Recommended books [spp-timestamp time="43:32"]

The 48 Laws of PowerFooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets (Incerto)The Black Swan: Second Edition: The Impact of the Highly Improbable: With a new section: "On Robustness and Fragility" (Incerto)

Charities [spp-timestamp time="45:36"]

Charity Water

What does Living A Life of Abundance mean to Jeff Smith? [spp-timestamp time="356:19"]

I believe Abundance as a principleScarcity is made upI apply abundance to time

Parting piece of guidance and Connect with our guest [spp-timestamp time="48:33"]

Be gentle and nice to you

Contact our guest [spp-timestamp time="49:01"]


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Be Abundant in everything you do....

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Why would you walk away from a six figure income into the unknown?
Show notes page:— Wally Carmichael (@WallyCarmichael) August 5, 2016


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