Do you feel like you're always stuck on the SAME 10lbs of weight, you've tried everything, you've done what they told you not to eat, and you've cut out the things you enjoy eating, just so you can lose weight and lose it quickly. Overwhelmed by your lack of progress as you thought you'd be further along than you are right now?


No matter how hard you push, how many times you lower your calories, now matter how hard you PUSH yourself, no matter what diet you choose you still find yourself STUCK You might be dealing with the lies that the diet mentality bring, that tell you, you're not good enough, you're eating too much, you need to reduce your calories to dangerously low amounts, that if you eat this amount you will get there quicker! Spoiler: No, its not you, it's not your fault, it's the lie of the diet mentality culture that has led you to believe that eating this way is the only way to lose weight, and if you don't then you're the problem.


It's not true, you're body NEEDS food and you don't have to restrict the things you enjoy, just to lose weight, and find that you crave them so much that you end up binging and then the cycle repeats In the first episode of the The Diet Mentality Series, you will learn what the diet mentality culture is, whether you're in and what to do to break FREE from the self condemnation and entrapment it so easily gets us caught up in. Share. Review. Subscribe. Click HERE for details!


Already know that you're in the diet mentality way of thinking and what to get out of it but don't know how to? Learn EVERYTHING you need to know at my 6 weeks Macros Group Nutrition Program Teaching you how to adopt a flexible way of eating, that allows you to eat the foods you enjoy without restriction, but with and in moderation, and learn how to find the right amounts of food your body needs in or to meet your goals, whether that's lose, maintain or gain weight.


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