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Do you find yourself constantly wanting more time than you  have to lose weight? The reality is, even if you had 46hrs in a day, you’d still come up with challenges and the excuse “I don’t have time to eat healthy”.

Why? It’s HOW you manage your time that’s the issue, not the number of hours. Even if you did 10 minutes a day, you’d still above some form of result.

The question is, how much do you view yourself, your life and your health as a priority and the sad reality is, if you’re putting everyone else and everything else above you and your health, the answer is you DON’T see yourself as a priority at all, and you’ll continue to use the same excuse until you’re over 200lbs,  on your way to the mortuary if you don’t do something to CHANGE your habits.

The good news is though, there are hundreds of women who HAVE been busy and still lost the weight, if you’re ready to become the latter, book your macros session with me here I only work with women who are serious about changing their health no matter how long it takes, so no need to apply if this isn’t you.

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