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On today's show... Let's talk about the scales

There's no making friends with the scales.

Do you hurl a bunch of verbal abuse at yourself and at the scale when you're trying to lose weight and the scale shows an increased instead of a downward trend?

If you've ever said...the scale is not your friend, it's the devil, it's an unforgiving step then this is the episode for But is the problem really the scale or something else?

What's the problem?

Do you not account for the foods you eat, or do you not consume enough fibre so you're constipated and end up having bowel movements every 3 to 4 days. In THIS episode, we'll find out _____________________________________________________________________________

Tired of going back and forth on diets, restricting yourself year after year, and hating your own reflection? Are you refusing to look in the mirror at all because you can't face your reflection where you will see how much weight you've gained? I've been there.

I went from feeling overweight, overlooked, fat, fed up & frustrated to losing a total of 45lbs and feeling the most confident I have ever been.

I now coach busy professionals like you and teach them how to lose weight and keep it off without restriction or yo-yo dieting.

Interested in working together? Follow these steps:

Visit for a one-time nutrition planning session

Application for 3 months of 1:1 nutrition coaching

A mindset focused nutrition coaching for 6 months:

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🍴Download The Meal Planning Toolkit, while it’s only $7 HERE

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🙋🏾‍♀️ Ready For Coaching: Applications for 1:1 coaching are now open apply HERE

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