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In today's episode... The first episode of the New Year We discuss 4 Reasons You Keep Losing And Regaining The Same 5 or 10 Pounds We all know how unsustainable fad diets and quick fixes make us feel, and let's face it, it's pretty bad, isn't it?

The more you start over the harder it gets because you think you're doing everything right, and then you soon discover that you've gained more than you did when you first started.

The hardest, yet most rewarding thing is to lose weight and keep it off. If you've struggled with losing weight for a long time, chances are you've contemplated or Googled "how to lose fat fast" only to find conflicting advice that leaves you more confused than you were before. _____________________________________________________________________________

Tired of yo-yo dieting, restriction, and hating your reflection? Trying to convince yourself that you're eating well, but by 5 pm, you've eaten all your calories and you're starving? I know how it feels. After feeling overweight, fat, fed up & frustrated, I lost 45lbs and I'm more confident than ever.

Now I coach busy professionals like you on how to lose 20lbs and keep it off without restriction or yo-yo dieting.

Want to work together? Here's how:

1-time nutrition planning session:

3 Months 1:1 Nutrition Coaching: application

6 Months Mindset focused Nutrition Coaching:

Meal Prep

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🙋🏾‍♀️ Ready For Coaching: Applications for 1:1 coaching are now open apply HERE

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