In this episode: We’re addressing the weekend struggle What’s often intended to be just one cheat day often spirals into a full on weekend. If you’re saying, ‘I had a good week last week’ I tracked, I stuck to my calories, but ruined it over the weekend, but it’s OK today is Monday, I can start over, and if you said that last Monday and the Monday before here’s my top tips on how you can be free from the diet starts Monday mindset!⠀

I asked the question “when it comes to weight loss what’s your biggest struggle” & the amount of “weekends” responses I got inspired me to write this post ⠀

1️⃣ WHAT Are the ingrained habits that you do that you might not even be aware of. Not drinking enough water, catching up on sleep because you’re so exhausted! Or snacking so much that you don’t even realise you got through all that until the end of movie or your favourite TV show has finished?

2️⃣ WHERE Can you begin to take small actionable steps to tackle these habits. Maybe you can spend 1-2 hours on a Sunday batch cooking, lunches and dinner so your meals are ready for each day & add in some snacks too. Maybe you can plan a date night out, without feeling like you have to eat takeaway just because your husband brings it home, offer to have a date night at home & cook your favourite meal + save the money you maybe would’ve spent eating out

3️⃣ WHEN 📅 Put it in writing. Create an action plan for yourself. Set reminders and another few after that. Set so many reminders, use sticky notes that it will be HARD for you to not put these steps into place.

Prepare your workout clothes the night before, if you struggle to make time for breakfast, prepare some overnight oats, then grab + go in the morning. When we put a plan in place and see it taking shape this excites us, encourages us, motivates us to keep going & put these changes into practice & repeat the process once you’ve addressed each habit I’d love to be able to say it’s easy but I’d be lying if I did.

Change is not easy, but breaking it into bite-size actions creating a plan can help you put this change into motion to help you build the healthy sustainable lifestyle you desire I share my Top Tips To Help You Keep Your Weekends ‘cheats’ free & you can enjoy your weekend's Weight having to start your diet over every single Monday - - - - -

If you liked this episode don’t forget to share &, subscribe to the podcast & leave a review, p.s if you're still struggling with weekends & need support. Sign up to the waitlist for the not another cheat day mini-course - - - - Join our community here: Instagram: @vanutritioncoaching

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