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Lose Weight with Macros: A podcast for Umpteen Questions Busy Women have about Macros, Micros, and Micro-Macros

You're in the right place if you have questions like "What are macros?", "How much protein should I be eating?", or "What is a carb macro?"

In this episode, we are going to discuss everything you need to track your macros. We'll start with an overview of what macros are and why they're important, and then we'll dive into the different types of macro trackers available: free apps and websites, paid apps and websites, and even old-school pen and paper.

We'll talk about how to set up each type of tracker—from entering in your information on the website to downloading the app onto your phone—and what features you can expect from each one. We'll also discuss how to use a combination of all three methods if that works best for you. And finally, we'll talk about how to stay accountable with your tracking even after you have it set up and running smoothly!

Ready? Let's do this!

Time stamps

02:00: The Ever Changing Algorithm & Body Comparison Trap

03:15: So what are macros anyway? Grab your macros guide here

06:00:We Don't See Everything On Social Media 

07:00: Carbs Are Not The Enemy

8:00: Benefits Of Eating More Food For Fat Loss

10:00: Focus on What Your Body Needs 

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