When it comes to taking care of ourselves, we often get put to the back burner and we either go in to full on supermum mode, or we get so stuck into to helping others, that we neglect ourselves, and have regular hair bun days, because, it's just easier and way more comfortable to move around in right? I've been there, but, when it comes to our nutrition how many of us just grab whatever we can, or eat the children's food they didn't finish, or think, I'll eat when the kids have gone to bed, but end up grazing and mindlessly snacking throughout the day, that when it comes to dinner time, we don't really know what we've eaten.

The truth is though, taking care of yourself and having in regular times for yourself where you either spend time with yourself, or finding time for exercise, Pilates or some yoga is not selfish, but sadly, there are many who have this negative thinking that stops you from doing the things that you want to do.

In this episode I share my tips on how, if you identify with people pleasing tendencies and put everyone else's needs above your own and feel selfish if you don't do this, and what steps you can put in place to learn to implement "me time" and work on your fitness and nutrition goals that you have, without guilt and doubt for doing so, but recognising that mum needs some me time too.

I was there too, feeling like I had to be all things, for all people, and felt like I was being selfish if I didn't help people when they needed help, but I share some of the things that helped me overcome these feelings and how they can help you too, if you find yourself in my story.

If you have any questions about todays episode you can reach me on:

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://memoirsoffaith.co.uk

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