You know the famous saying that says it takes 21 days to form a habit is false right? I mean ita a great theory, but the reality is its not true, so how then can we form better habits when it comes to meal planning?

Do we just throw spaghetti at the wall and hope it sticks...somehow?

No, not if you've got me in your corner here's what we're diving into today:

Keep It Simple with Favorites:  If there are favourites you and yoru family love here is the time to include themSmart, Streamlined Shopping:. Organize your shopping list so you dont take the scenic route around the store and why this gives a better grocery shop experience Prep What You Can: Overwhelmed by the thought of meal prepping? Keep it simple to save  time during the week.Use Time-Saving Hacks: Don't shy away from healthy shortcuts. and why these tips are surefire ways to help you become more confident in your own kitchen again.Be Okay with Plan B: Accept that some days won't go as planned. Having a healthy 'Plan B' ) can alleviate the pressure and keep everyone fed and happy without the guilt.

Apply for Coaching: Ready to take the first step towards stress-free meal planning? Click here to apply for our exclusive 1:1 coaching program designed for  women committed to changing their family's mealtime experiences for the better.

Want the accountability of a nutrition coach to help you planmeals you enjoy, that your children will enjoy and help you put yourself first for once? Applications for 1:1 coaching are now open for 10 Women ready for these results, and you can apply here

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