Alex's week off; don't worry you're still in good hands. Jack and Toby take the wheel for this weeks show. Good stuff.

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9:02 PMNightrageSpiralA New Disease is Born
9:05 PMRaintimeMatrioskaFlies & Lies
9:10 PMDalraidaSzondi Ket Aprodja (2. Resz)Kikelet
9:17 PMDimmu BorgirThe Serpentine OfferingIn Sorte Diaboli
9:21 PMStar OneSet Your ControlsSpace Metal
9:26 PMThe FacelessThe Ghost of a StrangerAkeldama
9:30 PMSymphony XThe Edge of ForeverThe Damnation Game
9:39 PMLaethoraClothing of the DeadMarch of the Parasite
9:43 PMSonata ArcticaThe ViceUnia
9:48 PMConscienceWhen It's OverHalf Sick of Shadows
9:55 PMDream TheaterUnder a Glass MoonImages & Words

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